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Fitness Warriors   Club
A Top meeting place for athletes 

Welcome to our prestigious Fitness Warriors Club, which is a Top meeting place for Athletes and the center of all relevant issues in the sports area. We have created multipurpose Groups for sharing information between Coaches and Trainees. In our Blogs We discuss Top topics from Martial arts, Self-Defense & Fitness; We are talking about the importance of protective equipment during training; How to eat properly to lose weight? What is the best equipment to buy & The importance of professional liability insurance for coaches?


Hello My Friends & Welcome to Our Prestigious Fitness Warriors Club

Hello My Friends, Welcome to my Website! If you are looking for information on realistic self-defense techniques, then you are in the right place. We study the most common attack scenarios in the world and look for the most applicable techniques. Our analysis is based on two main parameters The chance of survival and the Benefit of the exercise. We emphasize the importance of psychological and mental preparation techniques for such scenarios.

Who it’s for?
The Website is designed for coaches and students alike. We place every technique of self-defense under the extreme conditions of an existing reality. This allows instructors to get better and learn new things. When students can get a sense of real experience in real assaults, and how to deal with them in cruel reality.

My background
I am Sensei holding Dan 3 in Karate and a certified Krav-Maga instructor from a school of tactical self-defense, Israeli Police. There I was privileged to be a tactical self-defense instructor for a certain period of time. I am a blogger and the creator of the website, Fitness Warriors Club. That deals with a realistic analysis of all self-defense methods.

Why Subscribe? 
On my Website, You will learn about the most effective self-defense techniques against knives, sticks, and pistol threat & defense. I will be posting new blogs & videos, every Sunday. Be sure to subscribe for new content and comment below to introduce yourself.


Want to know more About Us?


Gil Peleg-Creator of the site


Tel: +972 505064571

Balfour Street 49 Bat Yam,

Israel, 59371

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