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Writer's pictureGil Peleg

Top chokehold release techniques: In Israeli Krav-Maga

Updated: Jun 16, 2022

In this article, we will discuss: What is blocking and choking? What is the difference between choking and blocking the blood arteries in the neck? What are non-lethal grips? What is the rear choke protection in Israeli Krav-Maga? What protection is against frontal choking while standing in Israeli Krav-Maga? What protection is against choking while lying down in Israeli Krav-Maga? What do they wear in Krav-Maga? What does a Krav-Maga trainer's training equipment include? How important is personal protective equipment when practicing Krav-Maga? What equipment is recommended for practicing Krav-Maga at home? What is the importance of cardiopulmonary endurance in Krav-Maga training?



The concepts presented here are for illustrative purposes only. Before attempting any technique discussed or presented in this article, seek professional training from a reputable instructor.


What is blocking and choking?

There is a wide range of forms of choke, hold and block, generally most common in street fighting and taught to the security forces as part of the Israeli Krav-Maga or Russian Combat Sambo course. If this happens and you are strangled, your reaction should be especially quick. An attacker can cause instant death by pressing on the larynx or blocking the carotid artery. It should be understood that choking and blockages of the carotid artery are very dangerous for human life. Many people are unaware of this danger until they encounter a situation where they cannot move, pass out within seconds.

What is the difference between choking and blocking the blood arteries in the neck?

Asphyxiation occurs when the body is unable to oxygenate tissues (including organs). To be more specific, the lungs cannot take in oxygen from the air we breathe and oxygenate the bloodstream. That is, there is a direct relationship between suffocation of the human body through blockage of the larynx when air cannot enter the lungs and suffocation with blood in the two main arteries of a person when an immediate loss of consciousness occurs as a result of cutting off the flow of oxygen to the brain (continued blockage causes immediate death).

What are non-lethal grips?

True, there are also not dangerous grips, such as gripping the palm, shirt, and hair. Sometimes the fight takes a violent form when it's not enough for the attacker to hold your shirt; Grasping your wrist tightly... And the attacker's goal is also to hit or push you, maybe even knock you to the ground. So, how to deal with such problems? It's important to remember that locks and chokes need to be super professional and skillful because we can easily end up in jail for overusing them. That is, you can easily turn from a victim of an attack into a deadly weapon according to the law, which will be responsible for the consequences. There is a fine line between loss of consciousness and death when using these techniques.

What is the rear choke protection in Israeli Krav-Maga?

In the video above are various forms of choke and releases while standing

According to the scenario, when the attacker managed to unexpectedly approach your back, and then he tries to choke you. When technically, he wraps his arm around the neck and throat, strikes with his forearm into the carotid artery or into the trachea, and with the other hand strengthens the choke lock on the back of the head. That is, technically, his palm of the choking hand rests on the triceps of the second hand, then the palm of the same hand closes behind the victim's head with a lock. After this choke lock, even self-defense specialists find it very difficult to get out. Therefore, the goal is primarily to prevent the attacking hand from closing. So how is it done? Before closing the attacking hand, it is obligatory to perform a number of actions listed below: Capturing the forearm of the clasping hand (attacker) with two palms; Rotation towards the clasping arm, when rotation is made around the axis of the front leg of the attacker; At the end of the rotational movement, the victim will be ninety degrees towards the attacker; Then a strong kick is made to the knees of the attacker, while after this blow the attacker will be on the ground; At the final stage, the victim's knee is on the attacker's stomach from the side; And the hands (of the victim) block the elbow in order to subdue or break it (the arm of the attacker). According to Mark Fesler (6th Dan in Krav-Maga), "When choking from behind, do not put both hands under the choke arm at the same time, because this can only help the attacker" and adds: "It is better to pull down the choke arm with our elbow applied to the body, at this manner more force and torque is invested in the defensive technique".

What protection is against frontal choking while standing in Israeli Krav-Maga?

Due to the wide range of standing front choke defenses that exist in self-defense in general and Israeli Krav Maga in particular, in this article, we will focus on two very common scenarios: Front choke while on the move; And when the process of suffocation, static in place.

  • In case A - The intention of the attacker can be recognized from afar, he resolutely approaches and we see his intention, that is, he shows signs of desire through facial expressions and hand movements (begins to raise his hands). It could be a situation where you are simply aware of his desire to harm you... This is a relatively easy case for the victim because he has information about the attacker's intentions moments before. This information must be used! So how do you do it? The most common and instinctive reaction is to move to the right or left a moment before he grabs you by the throat, it is recommended to move ninety degrees towards the attacker (triangular step) when at the end of your movement you are ninety degrees to him. Immediately parallel to your rotation is a blockage of his arms using your forearm, which is on the same side of his (attacker's) front leg. With this movement, we prevent your neck from getting caught in the first place. Of course, at the second stage, it is necessary to neutralize the attacker, in the most vulnerable places of the attacker. That is, a strong blow to the knee, Throat, Eyes; In the groin, etc... When people practice these scenarios in Krav-Maga, they perform these exercises instinctively, due to the high number of repetitions in training.

  • In the case of B, when the attacker holds you by the throat, and because of this, you have very little time to react before you pass out. Whereas there is a big difference in the weight and gender between the attacker and victim. Here are some options for effective self-defense, we will look at some of these options: When the attacker is bigger and stronger, then his arms are longer than those of the victim! As a result, trying to hurt his eyes or throat won't work because you just can't physically get there! so what do we do? It is possible to use the whole arm with a quick, agile, and powerful body swing. When your arm is raised over the attacker's choke arms so that the elbow is over his arms. In the second step, your body turns ninety degrees with a strong elbow strike down the attacker's arms. That is, if the exercise was performed correctly, it allows you to get rid of suffocation. Later, neutralizing blows are delivered, usually to the weak points of the attacker. That is, a strong blow to the knee, Throat, Eyes; In the groin, etc... When people practice these scenarios in Krav-Maga, they perform these exercises instinctively, due to the high number of repetitions in training.

Note: Both in case A and in case B, this fight can be ended in two ways: In case A - After neutralizing the attacker, immediately leave the scene. In the case of B - the continuation of the capture of the attacker in order to transfer him to the authorities. Continued capture and submission require knowledge and experience in these scenarios, not recommended for unprepared individuals. In addition, it should be noted that if the threat has passed, then the unreasonable use of force by a krav-maga expert may not be unambiguously regarded as self-defense by the authorities, so be careful.

What protection is against choking while lying down in Israeli Krav-Maga?

In the video above are various forms of choking and releases while lying down.

First of all, every effort should be made to avoid fighting while lying down. But this is not always possible, and if you are already there, then you should know the technique to get out of this situation. That is, the attacker uses a strangulation technique with both hands, he is above you, and on the side. Try to make a blocking action with one hand while the other hand presses on the cavity between the collarbones; Sometimes the same hand can strike; Immediately after that, bringing your knees together, try to push the attacker in the chest; If the blow worked and the attacker was knocked back, hit him on the weak spots. Then get up and continue further attacks as needed or move out of the danger zone. According to Mark Fesler (6th Dan in Krav-Maga), “If we are already on the ground, then only instinctive techniques that have been practiced many times in group interactions will work in the matter of choke releases”.

Scenarios when an attacker is on your back with legs clasped around you:

  • Technique A - The attacker's main goal is, firstly, to prevent you from turning around, and secondly, by using strong blows to the head, you will weaken the protection of the neck. Thus, he (the attacker) will grab your neck and throat with his whole arm, strike with his forearm into the carotid artery or into the trachea, and with the other hand strengthen the choke lock on the back of the head. That is, technically, his palm of the choking hand rests on the triceps of the second hand, then the palm of the same hand closes behind the victim's head with a lock.

  • Technique B - The main goal of the attacker is to turn you over by rolling to the side, clasping his legs around your waist, and holding you, He wraps his arm around your neck with a shoulder blade performing a somersault towards the same arm, immediately after completing the turn back, the attacker will wrap his whole arm around your neck and throat, strikes with the forearm in the carotid artery or in the trachea, and with the other palm strengthens the choke lock on the back of the head. That is, technically, his palm of the choking hand rests on the triceps of the second hand, then the palm of the same hand closes behind the victim's head with a lock.

Expert Opinion: According to Mark Fesler (6th Dan in Krav-Maga), "Without knowledge of the technique of releases from the lying position, there is no chance to free yourself from choking on the ground".


What do they wear in Krav-Maga?

According to the history of the formation of the Combat System, it was intended for the security forces of the State of Israel, so formal clothes were uniform (military uniform). Although there are schools that teach in black Ninjutsu-Style pants and a black T-shirt, it is usually necessary to wear Martial arts shoes as well. Important note! Women’s and men's equipment in this method are absolutely identical. The following is a recommended list of clothing when training Krav Maga:

What does the training equipment of the Krav-Maga trainer include?

Following the history of the method, great importance is attached to the formation of functional muscles. On the one hand, it is necessary to work on speed and agility in movement, and on the other hand, to develop muscles to increase strength and power. To succeed in this task: Need to work with small weights, many reps in each set; Also combine with strength training, it is advisable to consult with a trainer so as not to damage the muscle ligaments; It is recommended to work with a wrist expander and rubber for dynamic loading; With heavy training rope; a lot of reps on a heavy and light boxing bag; With a punching bag, etc ... It is imperative to practice throwing, choking, blocking, kicking and punching. Punches and knees on the trainer's abdomen may only be performed with suitable and safe belly protectors! In the tactical training of Krav-Maga, rubbery equipment is used like knives, padded sticks, etc... One needs to use equipment that has passed strict safety tests. When signing up for a club, check if their gym floor is well protected and if there is a suitable protective pad against falls, throws, etc. Below is a list of the recommended trainer equipment when teaching Krav-Maga:

How important is personal protective equipment when practicing Krav-Maga?

Good schools understand the importance of protective equipment when teaching martial arts in general and in combat in particular. Demonstrations and battles are not allowed without appropriate protective equipment! These are usually inexpensive shields compared to the physical damage they prevent. Also, there is no insurance without protective equipment! When striking a punching bag, be it a jab, cross, hook, or uppercut, boxing gloves should be used. It is recommended for full contact to use a body protector that maintains the integrity of the ribs. Also, shields for the head, teeth, groin, and legs are recommended.

It is very important to practice Krav-Maga using rubber training knives and even more important during training to wear appropriate protective equipment: such as glasses designed to protect the eyes; a body protector; a Head guard against receiving an unwanted blow. The following is a list of recommended equipment for knife defense studies in Israeli Krav-Maga:

With what equipment is it recommended to practice Krav-Maga at home?

To learn Krav-Maga, one needs to practice the same thing, many times over. This is not a theoretical area compared to other martial arts where one can learn from a trainer by watching directly through a computer. So practice and interaction are of the utmost importance. Although, it is worth it and even recommended to work at home on punches and kicks, strength training, etc. For this purpose, it is possible to purchase minimal personal equipment that does not take up much space at home. Prepares physically for classes in the section. It also improves the following parameters: Strength, flexibility, cardiopulmonary endurance, and more.

Using a yoga mat, abdominal muscles can be improved; Training weights are to improve muscle strength; Using an adjustable strength bench can strengthen chest muscles by lifting weights; A free-standing punching bag is a perfect solution for punching and kicking improvement at home ... Below is a list of recommended equipment for home exercise:

Home training is recommended to be performed under the supervision of a certified trainer. It is recommended to avoid exercising alone at home!

How important is cardiopulmonary endurance in Krav-Maga workouts?

First of all, this is health, and secondly, in a battle that does not end in a short time, the one who has cardiopulmonary endurance wins. To improve cardiopulmonary endurance, it is recommended to take brisk walks, combined with running, to increase and decrease the pace. These runs can be done outdoors, on the coast, on a Treadmill, or on a Home spinning bike. Recommended: Wear suitable shoes while running, and document and monitor your calorie burn and heart rate with your Smartwatch. Also, with the help of this it is very easy to see improvements in cardiopulmonary endurance, In fact, all your actions are recorded using a computer, and there is a training history. The following is a list of recommended personal equipment for home workouts, for developing cardiopulmonary endurance, and for monitoring and controlling progress:

Home training is recommended to be performed under the supervision of a certified trainer. It is recommended to avoid exercising alone at home!

What types of real assault knives exist?

Warning!: Real and dangerous combat knives have been attached below, do not use them for training purposes! Do not use them to intentionally hurt someone! They are for illustration only! That is, to recognize existing threats and be prepared for them! The following is a list of real attack knives for illustration only (there are dozens of different types of attack knives):

What are the recommended books to read, on the subject of knives?

Dear friends, if you are reading this article I guess you like the subject of knives. As a result, I will share with you a number of books on this subject that I have personally read and been very impressed with. You will ask and rightly so, why are they not only about an Israeli Krav-Maga? My answer is simple, I believe that for survival any self-defense technique is good! As much as it is applicable and useful! In our Facebook Group, we are talking about applicable self-defense, and what is good about it is that the method has no meaning at all, but the application of realistic exercises for effective self-defense! As a result, the books are also from different fighting methods regarding knives. I hope you will enjoy them.


Summary: Top chokehold release techniques

In this article, we have reviewed the topics: Choking and blocking the blood arteries in the neck; What is the difference between choking and blocking the blood arteries of the neck; What are non-lethal grips in wrestling; How to protect yourself from rear and front choke in Israeli Krav-Maga; How to protect yourself from suffocation in a lying position; We saw what is worn in the section of Krav-Maga; What personal equipment is used; What is included in the trainer's equipment; What home equipment is recommended for fitness and cardiopulmonary endurance.


Written by Gil Peleg.

Professional consultant in Krav-Maga Mark Fesler.


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