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GigBee v1.0 - A Modern and Responsive Micro Job Platform Script - nulled » Premium Scripts, Plugins & Mobile

Micro Job Script Nulled Script: What Is It and Why You Should Avoid It

If you are looking for an easy and affordable way to create your own micro job freelancing platform, you might have come across some websites that offer you a micro job script nulled script. A micro job script is a software that allows you to create and manage a website where people can offer and buy small tasks or services online. A nulled script is a software that has been modified to remove or bypass its license or security features.

micro job script nulled script

While using a micro job script nulled script might seem like a tempting option, it is actually very risky and unethical. In this article, we will explain what is a micro job script nulled script, why you should avoid it, and what are some alternatives to using it.

How to Create a Micro Job Freelancing Platform with a Micro Job Script

A micro job freelancing platform is a website where freelancers can offer their skills and services for small tasks or projects, such as logo design, video editing, data entry, transcription, etc. Clients can browse through the available gigs or requests custom offers from the freelancers. The platform acts as an intermediary between the freelancers and clients, facilitating the communication, payment, delivery, and feedback processes.

To create your own micro job freelancing platform, you need a micro job script. A micro job script is a software that provides you with all the features and functionalities you need to run your website smoothly and efficiently. Some of the common features of a micro job script are:

  • User registration and profile management

  • Gig creation and management

  • Gig search and filter

  • Order placement and management

  • Payment gateway integration

  • Rating and review system

  • Messaging and notification system

  • Admin panel and dashboard

  • SEO and social media optimization

To choose a reliable and reputable micro job script provider, you should consider the following factors:

  • The quality and functionality of the micro job script

  • The compatibility and scalability of the micro job script

  • The security and privacy of the micro job script

  • The customer support and service of the micro job script provider

  • The price and value of the micro job script

Some of the popular and trusted micro job script providers are:


Pricerr[Pricerr Micro Jobs Theme for WordPress]A WordPress theme that allows you to create a micro job website with ease. It has features such as multiple payment gateways, custom fields, social login, email notifications, etc.$69 for a single site license, $99 for a 5-site license, $149 for a 10-site license, $249 for an unlimited site license.

Fiverr Clone Script[Fiverr Clone Script - Best Fiverr Clone Software]A PHP script that lets you create a Fiverr-like website with features such as gig categories, subcategories, levels, packages, extras, etc.$199 for a regular license, $299 for an extended license.

GigToDo[GigToDo - Freelance Service Marketplace Script]A Laravel script that enables you to create a freelance service marketplace with features such as video chat, push notifications, proposal requests, dispute resolution, etc.$149 for a regular license, $449 for an extended license.

Gigster[Gigster - Micro Job Marketplace Script]A CodeIgniter script that allows you to create a micro job marketplace with features such as multiple currencies, languages, themes, commissions, etc.$49 for a regular license, $199 for an extended license.

Gigs[Gigs - Services Marketplace Script]A Yii script that helps you create a services marketplace with features such as responsive design, social media integration, Google maps integration, etc.$99 for a regular license, $299 for an extended license.

To install and customize a micro job script on your website, you need to follow the instructions provided by the micro job script provider. Usually, the steps involve:

  • Downloading the micro job script from the provider's website or receiving it via email.

  • Uploading the micro job script files to your web server using FTP or cPanel.

  • Creating a database and importing the SQL file provided by the micro job script provider.

  • Configuring the settings and options of the micro job script according to your preferences and requirements.

  • Testing and launching your micro job freelancing platform.

Why You Should Not Use a Micro Job Script Nulled Script

A nulled script is a software that has been modified to remove or bypass its license or security features. This means that the software is being used illegally without paying for it or obtaining permission from its original developer. Some people might use a nulled script to save money or access premium features without paying for them. However, using a nulled script is very risky and unethical. Here are some of the reasons why you should not use a micro job script nulled script:

  • You are violating the intellectual property rights of the original developer. By using a nulled script, you are stealing someone else's work and depriving them of their rightful income. This is not only unfair but also illegal. You could face legal action or penalties from the original developer or their authorized representatives.

  • You are exposing your website to security threats and vulnerabilities. A nulled script might contain malicious code or hidden backdoors that could compromise your website's functionality and performance. Hackers could exploit these weaknesses to access your website's data, files, or resources. They could also inject malware, spam, or viruses into your website or redirect your traffic to other websites. This could damage your website's reputation, ranking, and revenue.

  • You are missing out on the updates and support from the original developer. A nulled script might not be compatible with the latest versions of the software or the web server. It might also have bugs or errors that could affect your website's functionality and performance. You will not be able to receive any updates, fixes, or improvements from the original developer. You will also not be able to access any customer support or service from the original developer or their authorized representatives.

  • You are hurting your own business and credibility. By using a nulled script, you are showing a lack of professionalism and integrity. You are also risking your website's quality and security. This could negatively impact your website's user experience and satisfaction. You could lose your customers' trust and loyalty. You could also face legal action or penalties from the original developer or their authorized representatives.

To detect and avoid a micro job script nulled script, you should:

  • Do your research before buying or downloading a micro job script. Check the reputation and reviews of the micro job script provider. Verify their contact details and credentials. Avoid websites that offer free or cheap micro job scripts that are too good to be true.

  • Buy or download a micro job script only from the official website of the original developer or their authorized representatives. Do not trust any third-party websites that claim to offer the same micro job script for a lower price or with additional features.

  • Check the license and security features of the micro job script. Make sure that the micro job script has a valid license key or code that can be verified by the original developer or their authorized representatives. Make sure that the micro job script does not have any malicious code or hidden backdoors that could compromise your website's functionality and performance.

  • Update and maintain your micro job script regularly. Follow the instructions and recommendations from the original developer or their authorized representatives. Download and install any updates, fixes, or improvements from the official website of the original developer or their authorized representatives.

  • Contact the original developer or their authorized representatives if you have any questions, issues, or feedback regarding the micro job script. Do not rely on any unofficial sources or forums that might provide inaccurate or misleading information.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you are using a legitimate and safe micro job script for your website.

Alternatives to Using a Micro Job Script Nulled Script

If you want to create your own micro job freelancing platform without using a nulled script, you have some alternatives to consider. Here are some of them:

  • Use a free or open source micro job script. There are some micro job scripts that are available for free or under an open source license. This means that you can use them without paying for them or obtaining permission from their original developers. However, you should still check the quality and functionality of these micro job scripts before using them. You should also make sure that they are compatible and scalable with your website's requirements. Some examples of free or open source micro job scripts are:

  • [MicrojobEngine - WordPress Micro Job Marketplace Theme]

  • [Microlancer - Micro Freelancing Marketplace]

  • [Micro Jobs - PHP Micro Jobs Script]

  • Use a hosted micro job platform service. There are some online platforms that allow you to create and host your own micro job freelancing platform without installing any software on your web server. These platforms provide you with all the features and functionalities you need to run your website smoothly and efficiently. They also take care of the security, maintenance, and updates of your website. However, you should be aware that these platforms might charge you a monthly or annual fee for using their service. They might also limit your customization and control over your website's design and settings. Some examples of hosted micro job platform services are:

  • [Fiverr - Freelance Services Marketplace for Businesses]

  • [GigBucks - Micro Jobs & Freelance Services from $5 to $50 Bucks]

  • [Fourerr - The $4 Freelance Marketplace]

  • Use a custom web development service. There are some web development companies or freelancers that can help you create your own micro job freelancing platform from scratch according to your specifications and preferences. They can provide you with a unique and customized design and functionality for your website. They can also ensure the quality and security of your website. However, you should be prepared to pay a high price for this service. You should also make sure that you choose a reliable and reputable web development service provider who can deliver what they promise. Some examples of custom web development service providers are:

  • [Agriya - Web Development Company]

  • [NCrypted - Custom Website Development [Zoplay - Web and Mobile App Development Company]

To compare and evaluate different options for creating your own micro job freelancing platform, you should consider the following factors:

  • Your budget and resources. How much are you willing and able to spend on creating your website? How much time and effort are you willing and able to invest in creating and maintaining your website?

  • Your goals and expectations. What are the main objectives and outcomes you want to achieve with your website? What are the key features and functionalities you want to have on your website? How do you want to differentiate your website from your competitors?

  • Your target audience and market. Who are the potential freelancers and clients you want to attract and retain on your website? What are their needs, preferences, and behaviors? How do you want to communicate and interact with them?

  • Your technical skills and knowledge. How familiar and comfortable are you with web development and design? How much control and customization do you want to have over your website's design and settings?

By considering these factors, you can choose the best option for creating your own micro job freelancing platform that suits your needs and requirements.

How to Ensure the Quality and Security of Your Micro Job Freelancing Platform

Once you have created your own micro job freelancing platform, you need to ensure its quality and security. Quality refers to the functionality, performance, usability, and reliability of your website. Security refers to the protection, privacy, and integrity of your website's data, files, and resources. Here are some tips on how to ensure the quality and security of your micro job freelancing platform:

  • Test and debug your website regularly. Check for any errors, bugs, or glitches that might affect your website's functionality and performance. Fix any issues or problems that you find as soon as possible.

  • Optimize your website for speed and SEO. Make sure that your website loads fast and smoothly on different devices and browsers. Use tools such as [Google PageSpeed Insights] or [GTmetrix] to measure and improve your website's speed. Use tools such as [Yoast SEO] or [SEMrush] to optimize your website's SEO.

  • Backup your website frequently. Make sure that you have a copy of your website's data, files, and resources in case of any loss, damage, or corruption. Use tools such as [UpdraftPlus] or [BackupBuddy] to backup your website automatically or manually.

  • Secure your website from hackers and malware. Make sure that your website is protected from any unauthorized access, modification, or deletion. Use tools such as [Sucuri] or [Wordfence] to scan and clean your website from any malware, spam, or viruses. Use tools such as [SSL] or [Cloudflare] to encrypt and secure your website's connection.

  • Monitor and analyze your website's traffic and performance. Make sure that you have a clear and accurate insight into your website's visitors, conversions, revenue, etc. Use tools such as [Google Analytics] or [Hotjar] to track and measure your website's traffic and performance.

  • Update and maintain your website regularly. Make sure that you have the latest versions of the software or the web server that you are using for your website. Download and install any updates, fixes, or improvements from the official sources or providers.

By following these tips, you can ensure the quality and security of your micro job freelancing platform.


In this article, we have explained what is a micro job script nulled script, why you should avoid it, and what are some alternatives to using it. We have also provided some tips on how to create a successful micro job freelancing platform.

A micro job script nulled script is a software that has been modified to remove or bypass its license or security features. It is a risky and unethical option that could expose your website to security threats, legal issues, and business losses. You should not use a micro job script nulled script for creating your own micro job freelancing platform.

Instead, you should use a legitimate and safe option such as a free or open source micro job script, a hosted micro job platform service, or a custom web development service. These options can help you create a quality and secure micro job freelancing platform that meets your needs and requirements.

To create a successful micro job freelancing platform, you should also consider the following tips:

  • Test and debug your website regularly.

  • Optimize your website for speed and SEO.

  • Backup your website frequently.

  • Secure your website from hackers and malware.

  • Monitor and analyze your website's traffic and performance.

  • Update and maintain your website regularly.

By following these tips, you can ensure the quality and security of your micro job freelancing platform.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading and have a great day!


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about micro job script nulled script:

What is the difference between a micro job script and a freelance marketplace script?

A micro job script is a software that allows you to create a website where people can offer and buy small tasks or services online. A freelance marketplace script is a software that allows you to create a website where people can offer and buy larger projects or services online. A micro job script is more suitable for short-term and simple gigs, while a freelance marketplace script is more suitable for long-term and complex projects.

How much does it cost to create a micro job freelancing platform with a micro job script?

The cost of creating a micro job freelancing platform with a micro job script depends on several factors, such as the quality and functionality of the micro job script, the compatibility and scalability of the micro job script, the security and privacy of the micro job script, the customer support and service of the micro job script provider, and the price and value of the micro job script. Generally, the cost of creating a micro job freelancing platform with a micro job script ranges from $49 to $449 for a regular license, and from $199 to $449 for an extended license.

How can I monetize my micro job freelancing platform?

There are different ways to monetize your micro job freelancing platform, such as:

  • Charging a commission or fee from the freelancers or clients for each order or transaction.

  • Charging a subscription or membership fee from the freelancers or clients for accessing premium features or benefits.

  • Selling advertising space or sponsored listings on your website.

  • Offering additional services or products to the freelancers or clients, such as training, coaching, consulting, etc.

How can I attract and retain freelancers and clients on my micro job freelancing platform?

There are different strategies to attract and retain freelancers and clients on your micro job freelancing platform, such as:

  • Providing a user-friendly and responsive design for your website.

  • Offering a variety of gigs or categories for different skills and services.

  • Providing a fair and transparent rating and review system for the freelancers and clients.

  • Providing a fast and secure payment gateway integration for the freelancers and clients.

  • Providing a reliable and efficient messaging and notification system for the freelancers and clients.

  • Providing an effective and friendly customer support and service for the freelancers and clients.

  • Providing incentives and rewards for the freelancers and clients, such as discounts, coupons, referrals, etc.

How can I improve the user experience and satisfaction on my micro job freelancing platform?

There are different ways to improve the user experience and satisfaction on your micro job freelancing

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