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Protek 506 Software Windows 7

It seems like everything plugs in to your computer these days, and this digital multimeter is no exception. This auto-ranging multimeter will test AC and DC voltage and current as well as capacitance, resistance, frequency and even temperature. It features a large, easily readable display for use in the field as well as the ability to connect to your computer for data logging, processing and analysis. It has all of the basic functions that you expect from a good digital multimeter including continuity check (with buzzer), diode test and data hold. Data logging and analysis software is included on a mini-CD and you can also download it below.

Protek 506 Software Windows 7

Note: This meter does have a USB interface, but it's not clearly RS232. The meter needs the proprietary software to function and you cannot simply read the data directly without a driver and the software.

This looks so nice. But I still have two comments.Please oh Please, just write a java app so can use devices like this on Mac or Linux.??? Has anyone tested to see of the software runs under WINE? Not just run, but actually have the meter connected as well.

For those who want to get around using the default software, there is some helpful discussion about RS232 meters here.See in particular the comments for that post; a few people went to quite some effort deciphering different protocols. I don't know if that will cover this specific meter, but it would be a good point to start looking.

It seems somebody is confused about this meter. It can't USB and RS-232 at the same times unless it has two separate ports, which I doubt. The manual doesn't give you any real information about the connection with the computer. If is like some I have seen the interface does not present binary or BCD data but rather a very weirdly arranged set of bits representing the seven segment display. I wrote software for my hp48 calculator to convert to useable data but it sure was not simple. If you just want to display a virtual meter on your computer screen with the drivers provided there is no problem, however. A good alternative is the Protek 506 DMM which gives you good ole Binary Coded Decimal.

Is it just me, but does the software only log data when it's an integer value? It only works for me when I've disabled auto range and set the range so it only shows integer numbers.This way, I can't log 3.3V, just 3V or 4V. :SThe multimeter itself works perfectly, and the software shows all values as on the screen of the multimeter. It's just the logging over time function in software that seems bugged.

I can't get the communications software to install on my Windows XP computer. The installation package reports that there isn't enough disk space, but there is 1.2 Terabytes available. Has anyone encountered this problem? If so, do you know how to solve the problem? 041b061a72

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