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The Big BangAtlanta : Season 1 Episode 1

But if Atlanta is a surprise, it's frequently an excellent one. (I've seen the first four episodes of the series, which debuts Tuesday night at 10.) Glover is new to creating a series on this scale, just as his lead director, music video veteran Hiro Murai, is new to this kind of narrative fiction, and where sometimes rookies make obvious rookie mistakes, Glover and Murai's relative inexperience results in a show that looks, feels, and sounds like nothing else on TV. There's a bit of DNA in common with the many other quasi-mumblecore half-hours, but stylistically and tonally, Atlanta is its own absorbing, and at times surprisingly funny, thing.

The Big BangAtlanta : Season 1 Episode 1

Early in the premiere episode, there's a scene that comments on Glover's position as white America's black friend. Earn tries to get his white friend Dave to arrange for a local radio station to play the first Paper Boi track, but Dave is more interested in telling him an allegedly hilarious story whose punchline involves Flo Rida and liberal, casual use of the N-word. Later, Earn runs into Dave while hanging out with the more intimidating Alfred and Darius, and invites him to tell them the Flo Rida story; a nervous Dave stammers out a pointless version that omits the N-word, and quickly excuses himself.

Dave is one of the few white people of note in the early Atlanta episodes. Earn can navigate that world, but he lives in a different one, where the accents and slang occasionally makes the dialogue, especially that of some of the local actors who pop up for a scene or two, all but indecipherable. (There are conversations that all but beg for one side of them to be subtitled, in the same way I have to watch Happy Valley with the closed captioning on.) But, as Glover suggested to the TCA, what's being said is less important than the way it's said, and the way that, no matter the context or people around him, Earn so rarely feels in control over anything in his life.

Glover hasn't completely abandoned his comic roots, and the show's jokes can sneak up on you, like a running gag in the fourth episode about a social media-obsessed Paper Boi fan whose ethnicity nobody seems able to identify. Most of the comedy comes from Stanfield's eccentric, deadpan drawl, which at times makes Darius feel like if Steven Wright started out working on a drug corner.

That brings audiences to Donald Glover's new series Atlanta, which debuts on FX with such a strong, surefooted premiere (that's actually the first two episodes, 'The Big Bang' and 'Streets on Lock') it quickly jumps to the head of this year's Best Of list. Even if the bar hadn't been set low, Atlanta would still be head and shoulders above the rest. Although the comedic drama orbits the world of hip-hop, especially that born from the series' titular locale, it is more focused on and fascinated with the interpersonal endeavors of a small group of incredibly well-drawn characters who are, almost immediately after meeting them, worth caring about and becoming invested in.

In the end, that's just one of the ways that Atlanta makes its mark. It's an incredibly well written series filled with great characters who help fill the gaps throughout the first episodes as the series finds its footing. It is the kind of show that starts strong and only gets stronger. Atlanta sets the standard for the rest of 2016's television premieres.

There hasn't been an official soundtrack announced as of yet, but Playstation Music has been collecting the songs that appear in the show in a Spotify playlist and FX has been breaking down the music by episode on their site. Check out the breakdown episode by episode below.

Saat Phero Ki Hera Pherie is recorded in Hindi and originally aired in India. Each episode of Saat Phero Ki Hera Pherie is 20 minutes long. Saat Phero Ki Hera Pherie is produced by Playtime Creationn and distributed by Sony Pictures Networks. 041b061a72

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