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Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22: The Ultimate Solution for OLE DB, ODBC, and DAO Data Sources

Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22: A Powerful Tool for Data-Bound Applications

If you are a developer who works with data-bound applications, you might have heard of Sheridan Data Widgets. These are a set of ActiveX controls that provide advanced data manipulation and display capabilities for Visual Basic, Visual C++, and other programming environments that support ActiveX technology. In this article, we will explore what Sheridan Data Widgets are, how to use them, and what are some common issues and solutions for them.

Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22

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What are Sheridan Data Widgets?

Sheridan Data Widgets are a collection of six ActiveX controls that allow you to create sophisticated data-bound applications with ease. They are designed to work with any data source that supports OLE DB, ODBC, or DAO interfaces, such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Oracle, Excel, and more. They also support hierarchical recordsets, batch updates, partial-match searches, mouse wheel functionality, and many other features that enhance the functionality and usability of your applications.

The history and features of Sheridan Data Widgets

Sheridan Data Widgets were originally developed by Sheridan Software Systems, Inc., a company that specialized in creating custom controls for Windows applications. Sheridan Software Systems was founded in 1986 by Bob Crowley and Mark Bernstein, two former employees of Microsoft Corporation. They created several popular products such as Threed32.ocx (a set of 3D controls), SsTab32.ocx (a tab control), SsCommand32.ocx (a command button control), SsPanel 32.ocx (a panel control), and more. In 1997, Sheridan Software Systems was acquired by Infragistics, Inc., a leading provider of user interface components for Windows and web applications. Infragistics continued to develop and support Sheridan Data Widgets until 2003, when they discontinued the product. However, Sheridan Data Widgets are still widely used by many developers who appreciate their power and flexibility.

Some of the main features of Sheridan Data Widgets are:

  • They support data binding to any OLE DB, ODBC, or DAO data source, as well as hierarchical recordsets that allow you to display master-detail relationships in a single control.

  • They provide advanced data manipulation capabilities, such as batch updates, optimistic concurrency control, transaction processing, data validation, and error handling.

  • They offer enhanced data display options, such as custom formatting, sorting, filtering, grouping, subtotaling, and printing.

  • They allow you to customize the appearance and behavior of the controls, such as fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, scroll bars, mouse wheel functionality, and drag-and-drop support.

  • They are compatible with Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0, and other development environments that support ActiveX technology.

The benefits and advantages of using Sheridan Data Widgets

By using Sheridan Data Widgets in your data-bound applications, you can enjoy several benefits and advantages, such as:

  • You can save time and effort by using ready-made controls that handle complex data operations for you.

  • You can improve the performance and reliability of your applications by using optimized and tested controls that work with any data source.

  • You can enhance the functionality and usability of your applications by providing rich data manipulation and display features to your users.

  • You can increase the compatibility and portability of your applications by using standard ActiveX controls that work with any development environment.

How to use Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22?

If you are interested in using Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 in your data-bound applications, you need to follow some basic steps and tips. In this section, we will cover the system requirements and installation process of Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22, the main components and controls of Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22, and the basic steps and tips for creating data-bound applications with Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22.

The system requirements and installation process of Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22

Before you can use Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 in your development environment, you need to make sure that your system meets the minimum requirements for running the product. According to the product documentation, these are:

  • A Pentium-class processor or higher

  • Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP or later

  • 32 MB of RAM or more

  • 10 MB of hard disk space or more

  • A CD-ROM drive or an Internet connection for installation

  • A development environment that supports ActiveX technology, such as Visual Basic 6.0 or Visual C++ 6.0

To install Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 on your system, you need to follow these steps:

  • Insert the product CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive or download the product from the Infragistics website.

  • Run the setup program (setup.exe) from the CD-ROM or the downloaded file.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.

  • Restart your computer if prompted.

After installing Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 on your system, you can start using them in your development environment. To do so, you need to add them to your project by following these steps:

  • Open your development environment and create a new project or open an existing one.

  • Select the Project menu and choose Components (or References in Visual C++).

  • In the Components dialog box (or References dialog box in Visual C++), scroll down the list of available controls and check the boxes next to the ones you want to use. The names of the Sheridan Data Widgets controls start with "Sheridan" or "SS". For example, "Sheridan Enhanced Grid Control" or "SSDataWidgets Enhanced Grid Control".

  • Click OK to close the dialog box and add the selected controls to your project.

Now you are ready to use Sheridan Data Widgets in your project. You can find them in the toolbox under the Sheridan or SSDataWidgets tabs. You can drag and drop them onto your forms or use the code editor to create and manipulate them programmatically.

The main components and controls of Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22

Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 consists of six main ActiveX controls that provide different data manipulation and display capabilities. They are:

The Enhanced Data Control (EDC)

The Enhanced Data Control (EDC) is the core component of Sheridan Data Widgets. It is responsible for connecting to any OLE DB, ODBC, or DAO data source and providing data access services to the other controls. It also supports hierarchical recordsets, batch updates, optimistic concurrency control, transaction processing, data validation, and error handling. The EDC can be used as a standalone control or in conjunction with the other controls to create master-detail relationships.

The Enhanced Grid Control (EGC)

The Enhanced Grid Control (EGC) is a powerful grid control that allows you to display and edit data in a tabular format. It supports custom formatting, sorting, filtering, grouping, subtotaling, and printing. It also allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the grid, such as fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, scroll bars, mouse wheel functionality, and drag-and-drop support. The EGC can be bound to any data source through the EDC or directly to an OLE DB or DAO recordset.

The Enhanced List Control (ELC)

The Enhanced List Control (ELC) is a versatile list control that allows you to display and edit data in a list format. It supports custom formatting, sorting, filtering, partial-match searches, and printing. It also allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the list, such as fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, scroll bars, mouse wheel functionality, and drag-and-drop support. The ELC can be bound to any data source through the EDC or directly to an OLE DB or DAO recordset.

The Enhanced Combo Control (ECC)

The Enhanced Combo Control (ECC) is a flexible combo control that allows you to display and edit data in a combo box format. It supports custom formatting, sorting, filtering, partial-match searches, and printing. It also allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the combo box, such as fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, scroll bars, mouse wheel functionality, and drag-and-drop support. The ECC can be bound to any data source through the EDC or directly to an OLE DB or DAO recordset.

The Enhanced Option Button Control (EOB)

The Enhanced Option Button Control (EOB) is a simple option button control that allows you to display and edit data in an option button format. It supports custom formatting and printing. It also allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the option button, such as fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, and drag-and-drop support. The EOB can be bound to any data source through the EDC or directly to an OLE DB or DAO recordset.

The Enhanced Check Box Control (ECB)

The Enhanced Check Box Control (ECB) is a simple check box control that allows you to display and edit data in a check box format. It supports custom formatting and printing. It also allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the check box, such as fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, and drag-and-drop support. The ECB can be bound to any data source through the EDC or directly to an OLE DB or DAO recordset.

The basic steps and tips for creating data-bound applications with Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22

Once you have added the Sheridan Data Widgets controls to your project, you can start creating data-bound applications with them. The basic steps and tips for doing so are:

  • Decide which data source you want to use for your application. You can use any OLE DB, ODBC, or DAO data source, such as Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Oracle, Excel, and more. You can also use hierarchical recordsets to display master-detail relationships in a single control.

  • Place an Enhanced Data Control (EDC) on your form and set its properties to connect to your data source. You can use the ConnectionString property to specify the connection string for your data source, or use the ConnectionString Builder dialog box to create one. You can also use the RecordSource property to specify the table, query, or stored procedure that you want to use as the data source.

  • Place one or more of the other Sheridan Data Widgets controls on your form and set their properties to bind them to the EDC. You can use the DataSource property to specify the EDC that you want to use as the data source for the control. You can also use the DataField property to specify the field name or expression that you want to display in the control.

  • Customize the appearance and behavior of the Sheridan Data Widgets controls according to your preferences and requirements. You can use various properties and methods to change the fonts, colors, borders, tooltips, scroll bars, mouse wheel functionality, and drag-and-drop support of the controls. You can also use various properties and methods to change the formatting, sorting, filtering, grouping, subtotaling, and printing options of the controls.

  • Add code to handle the events and methods of the Sheridan Data Widgets controls according to your application logic. You can use various events and methods to perform data manipulation operations, such as batch updates, optimistic concurrency control, transaction processing, data validation, and error handling. You can also use various events and methods to respond to user actions, such as clicking, double-clicking, selecting, editing, dragging, and dropping.

By following these steps and tips, you can create powerful and user-friendly data-bound applications with Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22.

What are some common issues and solutions for Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22?

Although Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 are designed to work with any data source and development environment that support ActiveX technology, you might encounter some issues and challenges when using them in your applications. In this section, we will discuss some of the common issues and solutions for Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22.

How to fix the OLE DB binding problem?

One of the common issues that you might face when using Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 is the OLE DB binding problem. This is a problem that occurs when you try to bind a Sheridan Data Widget control directly to an OLE DB recordset without using an EDC. The problem is that some OLE DB providers do not support binding directly to ActiveX controls. As a result, you might get an error message like "OLE DB provider does not support binding" or "Invalid argument" when you run your application.

The solution for this problem is to use an EDC as an intermediary between your OLE DB recordset and your Sheridan Data Widget control. By doing so, you can avoid the OLE DB binding problem and bind your Sheridan Data Widget control to any OLE DB recordset. To do so, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create an EDC on your form and set its ConnectionString property to the same connection string that you use for your OLE DB recordset.

  • Create an OLE DB recordset in your code and open it with the desired table, query, or stored procedure.

  • Set the Recordset property of the EDC to the OLE DB recordset that you created.

  • Set the DataSource property of your Sheridan Data Widget control to the EDC that you created.

  • Set the DataField property of your Sheridan Data Widget control to the field name or expression that you want to display in the control.

By following these steps, you can fix the OLE DB binding problem and bind your Sheridan Data Widget control directly to an OLE DB recordset through an EDC.

How to enable partial-match searches with RDC or RDS?

Another common issue that you might face when using Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 is how to enable partial-match searches with RDC or RDS. RDC (Remote Data Control) and RDS (Remote Data Service) are two technologies that allow you to access data from a remote server over a network. They are often used with Sheridan Data Widgets to create web-based or distributed applications. However, by default, RDC and RDS do not support partial-match searches, which are searches that match a part of a string rather than the whole string. For example, if you want to search for "John" in a field that contains "John Smith", a partial-match search would return a match, while a whole-match search would not.

The solution for this issue is to use a wildcard character (%) in your search criteria when using RDC or RDS. A wildcard character is a special character that matches any number of characters in a string. By using a wildcard character, you can enable partial-match searches with RDC or RDS. To do so, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create an ELC or an ECC on your form and set its DataSource property to an EDC that is connected to an RDC or an RDS data source.

  • Set the SearchMode property of the ELC or the ECC to 1 (Partial Match).

  • In your code, use the Find method of the ELC or the ECC to perform a search with a wildcard character (%) in your search criteria. For example, if you want to search for "John" in a field named "Name", you can use the following code:

' Visual Basic 6.0 code ' Assume that ELC1 is an Enhanced List Control and EDC1 is an Enhanced Data Control ' connected to an RDC or an RDS data source ELC1.Find "Name LIKE '%John%'", EDC1

By following these steps, you can enable partial-match searches with RDC or RDS and use them with Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22.

How to handle date masks with zero placeholders?

A third common issue that you might face when using Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 is how to handle date masks with zero placeholders. A date mask is a string that specifies how a date value should be formatted and displayed in a control. A zero placeholder is a character (usually 0) that indicates that a digit should be displayed even if it is zero. For example, if you use the date mask "mm/dd/yyyy", a date value of "1/5/2020" would be displayed as "01/05/2020", while if you use the date mask "m/d/yyyy", it would be displayed as "1/5/2020".

The problem with date masks with zero placeholders is that they can cause confusion and errors when entering or editing date values in a control. For example, if you use the date mask "mm/dd/yyyy" and try to enter "12/25/2020" in a control, you might end up with "12/02/5202" instead, because the control would interpret the first two digits as the month, the second two digits as the day, and the last four digits as the year. Similarly, if you use the date mask "m/d/yyyy" and try to edit "1/5/2020" in a control, you might end up with "15/2020" instead, because the control would delete the slash and the zero as you type.

The solution for this issue is to use date masks without zero placeholders or to use the DateSeparator property of the Sheridan Data Widget control to specify a different character as the date separator. By doing so, you can avoid confusion and errors when entering or editing date values in a control. To do so, you need to follow these steps:

  • Choose a date mask without zero placeholders for your Sheridan Data Widget control. For example, you can use "m/d/yyyy" or "d/m/yyyy" instead of "mm/dd/yyyy" or "dd/mm/yyyy".

  • Alternatively, you can use the DateSeparator property of your Sheridan Data Widget control to specify a different character as the date separator. For example, you can use "-" or "." instead of "/". This way, you can use date masks with zero placeholders without causing confusion or errors.

  • Set the Format property of your Sheridan Data Widget control to the date mask that you chose. For example, you can use the following code:

' Visual Basic 6.0 code ' Assume that EGC1 is an Enhanced Grid Control EGC1.Format = "m-d-yyyy"

By following these steps, you can handle date masks with zero placeholders and use them with Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22.

How to add Data Widgets to an Apartment-Model UserControl in Visual Basic 5.0?

A fourth common issue that you might face when using Sheridan Data Widgets 3.11 22 is how to add Data Widgets to an Apartment-Model UserControl in Visual Basic 5.0. A UserControl is a custom control that you can create in Visual Basic and use in your applications. An Apartment-Model UserControl is a type of UserControl that runs in a single-threaded apartment (STA), which means that it can only be accessed by one thread at a time. This is the default model for UserControls in Visual Basic 5.0.

The problem with adding Data Widgets to an Apartment-Model UserControl is that Data Widgets are designed to run in a multi-threaded apartment (MTA), which means that they can be accessed by multiple threads at the same time. This is because Data Widgets use OLE DB, ODBC, or DAO interfaces to access data sources, and these interfaces are thread-safe and support MTA. However, when you try to add Data Widgets to an Apartment-Model UserControl, you might get an error message like "Object doesn't support this property or method" or "Invalid procedure call or argument" when you run your application.

The solution for this issue is to change the threading model of your User

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