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San Andreas: A Movie That Will Make You Feel the Earthquake in Hindi 1080p

San Andreas Full Movie Hd 1080p In Hindi

San Andreas is a 2015 American disaster film directed by Brad Peyton and written by Carlton Cuse, with Andre Fabrizio and Jeremy Passmore receiving story credit. The film stars Dwayne Johnson, in the lead role, Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario, Ioan Gruffudd, Archie Panjabi and Paul Giamatti. Its plot centers on a massive earthquake caused by the San Andreas Fault, devastating the West Coast of the United States. The film was released worldwide in 2D and 3D on May 29, 2015 and received mixed reviews from critics, praising the visual effects and Johnson and Gugino's performances, but criticizing the plot and characters. It grossed $474 million worldwide.

San Andreas Full Movie Hd 1080p In Hindi


In this article, we will review the movie's plot, cast, reviews, trivia, and Hindi dubbing. We will also provide you with some FAQs about the movie. If you are a fan of action-packed disaster movies with a lot of destruction and drama, you might want to watch San Andreas in Hindi.

Movie Plot

The movie begins with Caltech seismologist Dr Lawrence Hayes (Paul Giamatti) and his colleague Dr Kim Park (Will Yun Lee) testing a new earthquake prediction model at Hoover Dam. They discover that a nearby and previously unknown fault has ruptured, triggering a 7.1-magnitude earthquake that collapses the dam. Park sacrifices himself to save a young girl from falling into the water.

Hayes realizes that the entire San Andreas Fault is shifting and will soon cause several massive earthquakes along its length, potentially destroying cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco. He tries to warn the public through a news reporter named Serena Johnson (Archie Panjabi), who accompanies him and his students Alexi (Alec Utgoff) and Phoebe (Marissa Neitling).

Meanwhile, Ray Gaines (Dwayne Johnson), a Los Angeles Fire Department helicopter rescue pilot going through a divorce from his wife Emma (Carla Gugino), is preparing to drive his daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario) to San Francisco for college. However, he is called to rescue a woman trapped on a cliff after a landslide. He promises to meet Blake at the airport later.

Emma is moving in with her wealthy boyfriend Daniel Riddick (Ioan Gruffudd), an architect who owns a skyscraper in San Francisco. He offers to take Blake to San Francisco on his private jet while Emma finishes packing. Blake agrees, hoping to spend some time with her father later.

As they are about to leave Los Angeles, a 9.1-magnitude earthquake hits the city, causing widespread damage and chaos. Ray manages to rescue Emma from a collapsing building using his helicopter. They try to contact Blake, but her phone is dead.

In San Francisco, Blake is waiting for Daniel in his car in an underground parking garage when another earthquake strikes. The garage collapses, trapping Blake inside the car. Daniel tries to free her, but panics and abandons her when he sees water flooding in.

Blake is rescued by Ben Taylor (Hugo Johnstone-Burt), a British engineer who had an interview at Daniel's firm earlier. He is accompanied by his younger brother Ollie (Art Parkinson), who had given Blake his phone battery earlier. They manage to get out of the garage and reach Chinatown.

Blake uses Ollie's phone to call Ray and Emma, who are flying to San Francisco. They tell her to meet them at Coit Tower, which is still standing. They also warn her to stay away from the windows, as a tsunami is approaching the city.

Blake, Ben, and Ollie make their way to Coit Tower, helping some survivors along the way. They find a working CB radio and contact Ray and Emma, who are flying over the ruined city. Ray tells them to get to the roof of the tower and wait for him.

However, before they can reach the roof, the tsunami hits the city, flooding the streets and buildings. Blake, Ben, and Ollie are swept away by the water, but manage to cling to a telephone box. They see Daniel's skyscraper collapsing and falling into the water.

Ray and Emma spot them and lower a rescue basket from their helicopter. They manage to pull Blake out of the water, but Ben and Ollie are still trapped. Ray decides to land the helicopter on a nearby baseball stadium and use a boat to rescue them.

They find Ben and Ollie on a submerged truck and bring them aboard. However, they are attacked by a cargo ship that has been carried by the tsunami. Ray steers the boat under a bridge, causing the ship to crash into it.

They reach a dry spot and reunite with Blake. Ray tells her that he loves her and apologizes for not being there for her after their other daughter Mallory died in a rafting accident. Blake forgives him and hugs him.

They then contact Hayes, who tells them that the earthquake is over and that they are safe. He also thanks them for saving his daughter Serena, who was one of the survivors they helped earlier.

They look at the devastated city and see an American flag waving from the remains of the Golden Gate Bridge. They vow to rebuild their lives together as a family.

Movie Cast

The movie features a talented cast of actors who bring their characters to life. Here are some of the main cast members and their roles:




Dwayne Johnson

Ray Gaines

A helicopter rescue pilot who risks his life to save his estranged wife and daughter from the earthquake.

Carla Gugino

Emma Gaines

Ray's wife who is divorcing him and moving in with Daniel. She reconnects with Ray during the disaster.

Alexandra Daddario

Blake Gaines

Ray and Emma's daughter who is trapped in San Francisco with Ben and Ollie. She is resourceful and brave.

Ioan Gruffudd

Daniel Riddick

An architect who is Emma's boyfriend. He is selfish and cowardly, abandoning Blake in danger.

Hugo Johnstone-Burt

Ben Taylor

A British engineer who rescues Blake from the garage. He develops a romantic interest in her.

Art Parkinson

Ollie Taylor

Ben's younger brother who accompanies him to San Francisco. He is witty and smart.

Paul Giamatti

Dr Lawrence Hayes

A seismologist who predicts the earthquake and tries to warn the public.

Archie Panjabi

Serena Johnson

A news reporter who interviews Hayes and follows him during the disaster.


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