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[EXCLUSIVE] LicenseBox | A Top-Rated PHP Licensing and Updates System with Full Envato API Support

[EXCLUSIVE] LicenseBox PHP License and Updates Manager

An introduction that briefly explains what LicenseBox is and why it is a useful tool for developers who want to manage licenses and updates for their PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes.

[EXCLUSIVE] LicenseBox | PHP License and Updates Manager

What is LicenseBox?

A section that defines LicenseBox as a full-fledged licenser and updates manager that consists of two parts: the main script (admin panel) that is installed on the server, and a single helper file that is included in the PHP application. It also mentions the features and benefits of LicenseBox, such as:

  • Easy integration with code examples, sample codes, and a built-in helper file generator

  • Built-in PHP obfuscator/encoder to protect the code from nullification

  • Ability to lock licenses to domains/IPs and serve updates only to valid licenses

  • Full Envato API support for Envato authors

  • Includes a sample WordPress plugin with licensing and updates management features

  • Automated domain/IP blacklisting on failed activations

  • Powerful, well-documented REST API that can be accessed using any programming language

How to use LicenseBox?

A section that explains how to use LicenseBox in simple steps, such as:

  • Purchase LicenseBox from Codecanyon or from the official website

  • Install the main script on your own server following the installation guide

  • Create products and licenses from the admin panel or using the API

  • Include the helper file in your PHP application or use the sample WordPress plugin

  • Integrate LicenseBox with your application using the available API endpoints or code samples

  • Release and distribute updates for your products from the admin panel or using the API

Why choose LicenseBox?

A section that highlights the advantages of choosing LicenseBox over other licensing solutions, such as:

  • It is a top-rated product with positive reviews from many satisfied customers and Envato authors

  • It is a complete solution that covers all aspects of licensing and updates management for PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes

  • It is easy to use, user-friendly, and developer-friendly with a minimal server requirement and a comprehensive documentation

  • It is secure, reliable, and flexible with a built-in PHP obfuscation service and a powerful API that supports any programming language


A conclusion that summarizes the main points of the article and encourages the reader to try LicenseBox for their own projects. It also provides a call to action to visit the official website or Codecanyon page for more information or to purchase LicenseBox.


A section that answers some frequently asked questions about LicenseBox, such as:

What are the minimum server requirements for LicenseBox?

The minimum server requirements for LicenseBox are: PHP 7.0+, MySQL 5.6+, Apache 2.4+, cURL extension enabled, PDO extension enabled, OpenSSL extension enabled, allow_url_fopen enabled, mod_rewrite enabled.

Is LicenseBox made using a PHP framework?

No, LicenseBox is not made using any PHP framework. It is written in pure PHP code without any dependencies on external libraries or frameworks. This makes it easy to install and integrate with any PHP application.

How many products and licenses can I create with LicenseBox?

You can create unlimited products and licenses with LicenseBox. There is no limit on how many products or licenses you can manage with LicenseBox. However, you should consider your server resources and performance when creating large numbers of products or licenses.

How can I get support for LicenseBox?

You can get support for LicenseBox by contacting the developer team at or by visiting the support forum on Codecanyon. You can also check out the documentation and FAQs on the official website or Codecanyon page for more information.

How can I update LicenseBox to the latest version?

You can update LicenseBox to the latest version by following the update guide on the official website or Codecanyon page. You can also use the built-in updater feature in the admin panel to check for updates and apply them automatically.

[EXCLUSIVE] LicenseBox PHP License and Updates Manager

If you are a developer who creates PHP applications, WordPress plugins, or themes, you know how important it is to protect your work from unauthorized use and distribution. You also want to provide your customers with a smooth and hassle-free experience when it comes to activating and updating your products. That's why you need a tool that can help you manage licenses and updates for your products easily and securely. That's why you need LicenseBox.

LicenseBox is a full-fledged licenser and updates manager that consists of two parts: the main script (admin panel) that is installed on your own server, and a single helper file that is included in your PHP application. With LicenseBox, you can create and manage licenses for your products, lock them to domains/IPs, serve updates only to valid licenses, integrate with Envato API, obfuscate/encode your code, and much more. LicenseBox is easy to use, user-friendly, and developer-friendly. It comes with a comprehensive documentation, code examples, sample codes, and a built-in helper file generator. It also includes a sample WordPress plugin with licensing and updates management features. LicenseBox is secure, reliable, and flexible. It has a built-in PHP obfuscation service and a powerful REST API that can be accessed using any programming language. LicenseBox is a top-rated product with positive reviews from many satisfied customers and Envato authors. In this article, we will show you what LicenseBox is, how to use it, and why you should choose it for your projects.

What is LicenseBox?

LicenseBox is a PHP script that allows you to create and manage licenses and updates for your PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes. It consists of two parts: the main script (admin panel) that is installed on your own server, and a single helper file that is included in your PHP application. The main script is where you create products and licenses, manage updates, configure settings, view reports, access the API, and more. The helper file is where you integrate LicenseBox with your application using the available API endpoints or code samples.

LicenseBox has many features and benefits that make it a useful tool for developers who want to protect their work and provide their customers with a smooth and hassle-free experience. Some of the features and benefits of LicenseBox are:

  • Easy integration: You can integrate LicenseBox with your PHP application or WordPress plugin/theme in minutes using the code examples, sample codes, or the built-in helper file generator. You just need to include the helper file in your application and call the relevant API endpoints or functions to perform license verification, activation, deactivation, update checking, etc. You can also customize the look and feel of the license activation form or update notification using HTML/CSS/JS.

  • Built-in PHP obfuscator/encoder: You can protect your code from nullification or modification by using the built-in PHP obfuscator/encoder service that comes with LicenseBox. You can choose from different levels of obfuscation/encoding depending on your needs and preferences. The obfuscated/encoded code will still work with LicenseBox without any issues.

  • License locking: You can lock licenses to domains/IPs and serve updates only to valid licenses using LicenseBox. You can specify how many domains/IPs a license can be activated on, how often a license can be reactivated on a new domain/IP, and whether a license can be deactivated by the user or not. You can also view the activation history of each license from the admin panel or using the API.

  • Full Envato API support: If you are an Envato author who sells products on Codecanyon or Themeforest, you can integrate LicenseBox with Envato API to verify purchases, generate licenses, serve updates, etc. You can also import your existing Envato products and licenses into LicenseBox with a few clicks. LicenseBox supports both regular and extended licenses from Envato.

  • Sample WordPress plugin: LicenseBox comes with a sample WordPress plugin that demonstrates how to use LicenseBox for licensing and updates management for WordPress plugins or themes. The sample plugin has all the features of a typical WordPress plugin such as settings page, shortcode, widget, etc., as well as licensing and updates management features such as license activation form, update notification, automatic update installation, etc. You can use the sample plugin as a reference or as a base for your own WordPress plugin or theme.

  • Automated domain/IP blacklisting: You can prevent license abuse by using the automated domain/IP blacklisting feature of LicenseBox. You can set the maximum number of failed activation attempts for a license before it is blacklisted. You can also manually blacklist or whitelist domains/IPs from the admin panel or using the API.

  • Powerful, well-documented REST API: You can access and control LicenseBox using the powerful, well-documented REST API that supports JSON and XML formats. You can use the API to create, update, delete, or retrieve products, licenses, updates, etc. You can also use the API to perform license verification, activation, deactivation, update checking, etc. The API can be accessed using any programming language such as PHP, Python, Java, C#, etc.

How to use LicenseBox?

Using LicenseBox is easy and straightforward. You just need to follow these simple steps:

  • Purchase LicenseBox from Codecanyon or from the official website: You can purchase LicenseBox from Codecanyon for $39 or from the official website for $49. You will get a regular license that allows you to use LicenseBox on one server and unlimited products. You will also get 6 months of support and lifetime updates. You can extend the support period to 12 months for an additional fee.

  • Install the main script on your own server following the installation guide: You can install LicenseBox on your own server using the installation wizard or manually following the installation guide. You will need a server that meets the minimum requirements and a valid purchase code to install LicenseBox. The installation process is quick and easy and should not take more than 10 minutes.

  • Create products and licenses from the admin panel or using the API: You can create products and licenses from the admin panel or using the API. A product is a PHP application, WordPress plugin, or theme that you want to license and update using LicenseBox. A license is a unique code that is assigned to a product and a customer. You can create unlimited products and licenses with LicenseBox. You can also customize the product settings such as license type, license length, activation limit, update frequency, etc.

  • Include the helper file in your PHP application or use the sample WordPress plugin: You can include the helper file in your PHP application or use the sample WordPress plugin to integrate LicenseBox with your product. The helper file is a single PHP file that contains all the necessary functions and classes to communicate with LicenseBox. You can generate the helper file from the admin panel or download it from Codecanyon or the official website. The sample WordPress plugin is a ready-made WordPress plugin that demonstrates how to use LicenseBox for licensing and updates management for WordPress plugins or themes. You can use it as a reference or as a base for your own WordPress plugin or theme.

  • Integrate LicenseBox with your application using the available API endpoints or code samples: You can integrate LicenseBox with your application using the available API endpoints or code samples. You can use the API endpoints to perform license verification, activation, deactivation, update checking, etc. You can also use the code samples to show license activation form, update notification, automatic update installation, etc. You can customize the look and feel of these elements using HTML/CSS/JS.

  • Release and distribute updates for your products from the admin panel or using the API: You can release and distribute updates for your products from the admin panel or using the API. An update is a new version of your product that contains bug fixes, improvements, new features, etc. You can create unlimited updates with LicenseBox. You can also customize the update settings such as version number, release date, changelog, download URL, etc.

Why choose LicenseBox?

There are many reasons why you should choose LicenseBox over other licensing solutions for your projects. Here are some of them:

  • It is a top-rated product with positive reviews from many satisfied customers and Envato authors: LicenseBox has been rated 4.97 out of 5 stars by more than 300 customers on Codecanyon and has received many positive feedbacks from Envato authors who use it for their products. Customers and authors praise LicenseBox for its features, ease of use, security, reliability, flexibility, support, and documentation.

  • It is a complete solution that covers all aspects of licensing and updates management for PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes: LicenseBox is a complete solution that covers all aspects of licensing and updates management for PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes: LicenseBox is not just a simple licenser or updater. It is a comprehensive tool that allows you to create and manage products, licenses, updates, settings, reports, API, etc. from one place. It also includes a sample WordPress plugin that shows you how to use LicenseBox for WordPress plugins or themes. LicenseBox can handle any type of PHP application, WordPress plugin, or theme, regardless of the size, complexity, or functionality.

  • It is easy to use, user-friendly, and developer-friendly with a minimal server requirement and a comprehensive documentation: LicenseBox is designed to be easy to use, user-friendly, and developer-friendly. It has a simple and intuitive user interface that lets you create and manage products, licenses, updates, etc. with ease. It also has a comprehensive documentation that explains everything you need to know about LicenseBox in detail. It provides installation guide, usage guide, code examples, sample codes, API reference, FAQs, etc. LicenseBox also has a minimal server requirement that makes it compatible with most hosting providers. You only need a server that meets the minimum requirements and a valid purchase code to install LicenseBox.

  • It is secure, reliable, and flexible with a built-in PHP obfuscation service and a powerful API that supports any programming language: LicenseBox is secure, reliable, and flexible. It has a built-in PHP obfuscation service that protects your code from nullification or modification by encoding or obfuscating it. You can choose from different levels of obfuscation/encoding depending on your needs and preferences. The obfuscated/encoded code will still work with LicenseBox without any issues. LicenseBox also has a powerful REST API that supports JSON and XML formats. You can use the API to access and control LicenseBox using any programming language such as PHP, Python, Java, C#, etc. You can use the API to create, update, delete, or retrieve products, licenses, updates, etc. You can also use the API to perform license verification, activation, deactivation, update checking, etc. The API is well-documented and easy to use.


In conclusion, LicenseBox is a full-fledged licenser and updates manager that allows you to create and manage licenses and updates for your PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes easily and securely. It has many features and benefits that make it a useful tool for developers who want to protect their work and provide their customers with a smooth and hassle-free experience. It is easy to use, user-friendly, and developer-friendly with a minimal server requirement and a comprehensive documentation. It is secure, reliable, and flexible with a built-in PHP obfuscation service and a powerful API that supports any programming language. It is a top-rated product with positive reviews from many satisfied customers and Envato authors.

If you are looking for a complete solution that covers all aspects of licensing and updates management for your PHP applications, WordPress plugins, and themes, you should try LicenseBox. LicenseBox will help you protect your work from unauthorized use and distribution, and provide your customers with a smooth and hassle-free experience when it comes to activating and updating your products. LicenseBox is easy to use, user-friendly, and developer-friendly. You can integrate LicenseBox with your products in minutes using the code examples, sample codes, or the built-in helper file generator. You can also customize LicenseBox to suit your needs and preferences using the settings, API, or HTML/CSS/JS. LicenseBox is secure, reliable, and flexible. You can protect your code from nullification or modification using the built-in PHP obfuscation service, and access and control LicenseBox using any programming language using the powerful API. LicenseBox is a top-rated product with positive reviews from many satisfied customers and Envato authors who use it for their products.

To learn more about LicenseBox or to purchase it, you can visit the official website at or the Codecanyon page at You can also check out the documentation and FAQs on these pages for more information.


Here are some frequently asked questions about LicenseBox that you might find helpful:

What are the minimum server requirements for LicenseBox?

The minimum server requirements for LicenseBox are: PHP 7.0+, MySQL 5.6+, Apache 2.4+, cURL extension enabled, PDO extension enabled, OpenSSL extension enabled, allow_url_fopen enabled, mod_rewrite enabled. You can check if your server meets these requirements by using the server compatibility checker script that comes with LicenseBox.

Is LicenseBox made using a PHP framework?

No, LicenseBox is not made using any PHP framework. It is written in pure PHP code without any dependencies on external libraries or frameworks. This makes it easy to install and integrate with any PHP application.

How many products and licenses can I create with LicenseBox?

You can create unlimited products and licenses with LicenseBox. There is no limit on how many products or licenses you can manage with LicenseBox. However, you should consider your server resources and performance when creating large numbers of products or licenses.

How can I get support for LicenseBox?

You can get support for LicenseBox by contacting the dev

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