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The Dark Side of the Stock Market: Scott Patterson's Dark Pools Reveals How AI Traders Are Rigging the Game and Threatening the Global Financial System

Dark Pools Scott Patterson Pdf Download: A Review of the Book and Its Implications for the Stock Market

If you are interested in learning more about the hidden world of dark pools and how they affect the stock market, you might want to read Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market by Scott Patterson. This book is a fascinating and eye-opening account of how artificial intelligence and computer algorithms have taken over the trading industry and created a new form of market manipulation. In this article, we will review the book and its main themes, show you how to download the pdf version for free, and suggest some ways to learn more about dark pools and the stock market.

Dark Pools Scott Patterson Pdf Download

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What are dark pools and why are they important?

Dark pools are private electronic trading platforms that allow large investors and institutions to trade stocks anonymously, without revealing their orders or prices to the public. They are called dark because they operate in the shadows, away from the scrutiny and regulation of traditional exchanges like Nasdaq or NYSE. Dark pools were originally created to help large investors execute their trades without affecting the market price or alerting their competitors. However, over time, they have become a breeding ground for predatory practices and unfair advantages by high-frequency traders, who use sophisticated algorithms and super-fast computers to exploit tiny price differences and information gaps in the market.

According to Scott Patterson, dark pools account for about 40% of all U.S. stock trading volume, making them a significant force in shaping the market behavior and prices. However, most investors and regulators have little visibility or control over what happens in these secretive platforms, creating a risk of market instability, fraud, and manipulation. Patterson argues that dark pools have contributed to some of the most notorious market events in recent history, such as the 2010 Flash Crash, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged nearly 1000 points in minutes, or the 2012 Facebook IPO debacle, when technical glitches and mispricing caused massive losses for investors.

The rise of the machine traders and the rigging of the U.S. stock market

One of the main themes of Dark Pools is how technology has transformed the trading industry from a human-dominated activity to a machine-dominated one. Patterson traces the origins of this revolution back to the 1990s, when a group of visionary programmers and entrepreneurs created Island, an electronic trading platform that challenged the dominance of traditional exchanges. Island was designed to be faster, cheaper, and more transparent than its rivals, offering a level playing field for small traders and investors. However, as Island grew in popularity and influence, it also attracted the attention of Wall Street giants, who saw an opportunity to use their financial muscle and technological edge to gain an advantage over their competitors.

Patterson introduces us to some of the key players and personalities behind this transformation, such as Josh Levine, the genius coder who created Island; Dave Cummings, the founder of Tradebot, one of the first and most successful high-frequency trading firms; Jeff Skilling, the former CEO of Enron, who pioneered the use of complex derivatives and dark pools to hide his company's losses; and Sergey Aleynikov, the former Goldman Sachs programmer who was arrested for stealing the bank's secret trading code. Patterson also reveals how these innovators and disruptors were often driven by a mix of idealism, greed, ego, and curiosity, sometimes with disastrous consequences for themselves and the market.

The main characters and stories in the book

Dark Pools is not only a book about technology and finance, but also a book about human drama and intrigue. Patterson tells the stories of some of the most influential and controversial figures in the dark pool saga, such as:

  • Brad Katsuyama, the former Royal Bank of Canada trader who exposed how high-frequency traders were front-running his orders in dark pools and other venues, and who launched IEX, a new exchange that aimed to protect investors from predatory practices.

  • Eric Hunsader, the founder of Nanex, a market data firm that uncovered the hidden patterns and anomalies in high-frequency trading activity, and who became a vocal critic and whistleblower of the industry's abuses and violations.

  • Michael Lewis, the bestselling author of The Big Short and Moneyball, who popularized the dark pool phenomenon and its implications for the market in his book Flash Boys, which sparked a public debate and a regulatory backlash against high-frequency trading.

  • Haim Bodek, the former Wall Street insider who turned against his former colleagues and employers after discovering how they were using secret order types and loopholes to rig the market in their favor, and who filed a series of complaints and lawsuits against them.

The pros and cons of dark pools and high-frequency trading

Dark Pools is not a one-sided or biased book. Patterson acknowledges that dark pools and high-frequency trading have some benefits and advantages for the market and its participants, such as:

  • Lowering transaction costs and increasing liquidity for investors.

  • Improving market efficiency and price discovery by reducing spreads and arbitrage opportunities.

  • Enhancing innovation and competition by introducing new technologies and strategies.

  • Providing more choice and flexibility for traders to execute their orders according to their preferences and objectives.

However, he also points out some of the drawbacks and dangers of these phenomena, such as:

  • Creating information asymmetry and unfair advantages for some players over others.

  • Reducing market transparency and accountability by hiding trades and prices from the public.

  • Increasing market volatility and fragility by amplifying shocks and errors.

  • Eroding market integrity and trust by enabling fraud and manipulation.

Patterson argues that dark pools and high-frequency trading need more regulation and oversight to prevent abuse and ensure fairness. He also suggests that investors and traders need to be more aware and educated about these issues and how they affect their interests.

How to download the pdf version of the book for free

If you are interested in reading Dark Pools by Scott Patterson, you might be wondering how to get the pdf version of the book for free. There are several ways to do this, but you should also be aware of some legal and ethical issues involved.

The legal and ethical issues of downloading books online

Downloading books online for free is not always legal or ethical. Books are protected by intellectual property rights, such as copyrights or trademarks, which grant authors and publishers exclusive rights to control how their works are used, distributed, or reproduced. Downloading books without permission or payment can violate these rights and constitute piracy or theft. This can have negative consequences for both the authors and the readers, such as:

  • Depriving authors of their income and recognition for their work.

  • Discouraging authors from writing more books or investing in quality.

  • Exposing readers to legal risks or penalties for infringement.

  • Harming readers' devices or data with malware or viruses from unreliable sources.

Therefore, before downloading any book online for free, you should always check if it is legal or ethical to do so. You should respect the rights of the authors and publishers, and support them if you can. You should also be careful about where you download books from, as some websites or platforms might be unsafe or unreliable.

The best websites and platforms to find the pdf file

The steps to download and read the book on your device

Assuming that you have found a legal and ethical way to download Dark Pools by Scott Patterson for free, here are the steps to download and read the book on your device:

  • Click on the link or button that says "Download" or "Get" on the website or platform where you found the book.

  • Select the format that you prefer, such as pdf, epub, mobi, or txt.

  • Choose the destination folder or location where you want to save the file on your device.

  • Wait for the download to complete. Depending on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection, this might take a few seconds or minutes.

  • Open the file with a compatible reader or app on your device. For example, if you downloaded a pdf file, you can use Adobe Acrobat Reader or Google Chrome to open it.

  • Enjoy reading Dark Pools by Scott Patterson!

How to learn more about dark pools and the stock market

If you enjoyed reading Dark Pools by Scott Patterson and want to learn more about dark pools and the stock market, there are many other resources that you can explore. Here are some suggestions: The other books by Scott Patterson on finance and trading

Scott Patterson is not only the author of Dark Pools, but also of two other books on finance and trading: The Quants and The New Tycoons. These books are also highly informative and entertaining, and cover topics such as:

  • The Quants: The maths geniuses who brought down Wall Street. This book tells the story of how a group of brilliant mathematicians and physicists created a new breed of traders who used complex algorithms and models to beat the market and make billions, but also triggered some of the worst financial crises in history.

  • The New Tycoons: Inside the trillion dollar private equity industry that owns everything. This book reveals how a secretive and powerful industry of private equity firms has reshaped the global economy by buying and selling some of the world's most famous companies, such as Hilton, Toys R Us, and Heinz.

The online courses and podcasts on dark pools and high-frequency trading

If you prefer to learn through audio or video, there are some online courses and podcasts that you can listen to or watch on dark pools and high-frequency trading. Some examples are:

  • Dark Pools: The Structure and Future of Off-Exchange Trading. This is an online course offered by Coursera that covers the basics of dark pools, their advantages and disadvantages, their regulation and governance, and their impact on market quality and efficiency.

  • High-Frequency Trading: A Practical Guide to Algorithmic Strategies and Trading Systems. This is an online course offered by Udemy that teaches how to design, implement, and test high-frequency trading strategies using real-world data and examples.

  • Chat With Traders. This is a podcast that features interviews with some of the most successful traders in the world, including some who specialize in dark pools and high-frequency trading. You can learn from their insights, experiences, and tips on how to trade in these markets.

The blogs and newsletters to follow for the latest news and insights

If you want to stay updated on the latest news and insights on dark pools and high-frequency trading, there are some blogs and newsletters that you can follow. Some examples are:

  • Nanex Research. This is a blog run by Eric Hunsader, one of the characters in Dark Pools. He posts his analysis and commentary on various market events and anomalies related to dark pools and high-frequency trading.

  • Themis Trading Blog. This is a blog run by Joe Saluzzi and Sal Arnuk, two experts on dark pools and market structure. They share their views and opinions on various issues affecting investors and traders in these markets.

  • Market Structure Weekly. This is a newsletter published by Rosenblatt Securities, a leading brokerage firm that specializes in dark pools and high-frequency trading. It provides a comprehensive overview of the latest trends and developments in these markets.


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have reviewed Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market by Scott Patterson, a book that exposes the hidden world of dark pools and how they affect the stock market. We have learned:

  • What are dark pools and why are they important.

  • How technology has transformed the trading industry from a human-dominated activity to a machine-dominated one.

  • Who are the main characters and stories in the book.

  • What are the pros and cons of dark pools and high-frequency trading.

  • How to download the pdf version of the book for free.

  • How to learn more about dark pools and the stock market.

Call to action

If you are interested in reading Dark Pools by Scott Patterson, you can download the pdf version for free from one of the websites or platforms we suggested. However, we also encourage you to support the author and publisher by buying the book if you can. You can also check out the other books by Scott Patterson on finance and trading, or explore some of the online courses, podcasts, blogs, and newsletters on dark pools and high-frequency trading. We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new and useful. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Dark Pools by Scott Patterson and their answers:

  • Q: Is Dark Pools a fiction or non-fiction book?

  • A: Dark Pools is a non-fiction book that is based on extensive research and interviews with real people and events.

  • Q: When was Dark Pools published and how long is it?

  • A: Dark Pools was first published in 2012 and has 384 pages.

  • Q: Who is Scott Patterson and what is his background?

  • A: Scott Patterson is a journalist and author who covers finance and technology for The Wall Street Journal. He has a degree in English literature from James Madison University.

  • Q: What is the main message or takeaway of Dark Pools?

  • A: The main message or takeaway of Dark Pools is that dark pools and high-frequency trading have created a new form of market manipulation that threatens the stability and fairness of the stock market, and that investors and regulators need to be more aware and vigilant about these issues.

  • Q: What are some of the criticisms or controversies of Dark Pools?

  • A: Some of the criticisms or controversies of Dark Pools are that it exaggerates or oversimplifies some aspects of dark pools and high-frequency trading, that it relies too much on anecdotal evidence or personal opinions, or that it has a biased or sensationalist tone.



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