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Luca Nguyen

Jessica Chiarella's And Again: A Science Fiction Novel With Literary Flair

Jessica Chiarella And Again: A Novel About Second Chances

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a new body? A body that is free from any illness, injury, or imperfection? A body that looks exactly like your old one, but better? This is the premise of And Again, a debut novel by Jessica Chiarella that imagines the consequences when four terminally ill patients are given a chance to continue their lives in genetically perfect versions of their former selves.

Jessica Chiarella And Again


In this article, we will explore the plot, themes, reception, and author of this exciting literary novel that raises intriguing questions about identity, ethics, relationships, and society.

The Plot of And Again

The novel follows four characters who are selected for the SUBlife pilot program, a revolutionary medical experiment that offers them a cure for their terminal conditions. They are Hannah, an artistic prodigy who suffers from a degenerative nerve disease; David, a congressman who has HIV; Connie, an actress who has cancer; and Linda, a housewife who was paralyzed in a car accident.

They undergo a procedure that transfers their consciousness into new bodies that are exact copies of their old ones, but without any flaws or diseases. They wake up in a hospital with new physical identities, but with their old memories and personalities intact.

However, they soon discover that their fresh start is not as perfect as they hoped. They have to relearn how to use their new bodies, cope with their old habits and emotions, and deal with the reactions of their families and friends. They also face legal and ethical dilemmas, such as whether they have the same rights as their original selves, whether they can resume their careers and relationships, and whether they should reveal their participation in the program to the public.

As they try to re-enter their previous lives and adjust to their new realities, they are confronted with the question of how much of their identity rests not just in their mind, but in their heart, body, and soul.

The Themes of And Again

Identity and Selfhood

One of the main themes of the novel is identity and selfhood. The novel explores how our physical appearance affects our sense of who we are and how we relate to others. The characters struggle to reconcile their old selves with their new selves, as they experience changes in their abilities, preferences, tastes, and feelings. They also face challenges in maintaining their authenticity and individuality in a world that values perfection and conformity.

For example, Hannah has to relearn how to paint and draw, as her new body does not have the same muscle memory and artistic intuition as her old one. She also feels alienated from her former peers and mentors, who do not recognize her talent or style. David has to deal with his addiction and guilt, as his new body does not have the same cravings or symptoms as his old one. He also feels conflicted about his political career and his family, as he wonders if he deserves his second chance and if he can be honest with them. Connie has to cope with her insecurities and vanity, as her new body restores her beauty and youth, but also exposes her flaws and weaknesses. She also faces difficulties in navigating the entertainment industry, which is obsessed with physical appearance and celebrity status. Linda has to reconnect with her husband and children, who have grown apart from her during her years of paralysis. She also has to regain her confidence and independence, as she learns how to walk and move again.

Ethics and Technology

Another theme of the novel is ethics and technology. The novel examines the moral implications and challenges of scientific advancement, especially in the field of biotechnology and medicine. The novel raises questions about the benefits and risks of human cloning, genetic engineering, and mind uploading, as well as the ethical responsibilities and boundaries of scientists, doctors, patients, and society.

For example, the SUBlife program is controversial and secretive, as it involves creating human clones without their consent or knowledge, transferring their consciousness into new bodies without their approval or awareness, and disposing of their old bodies without their dignity or respect. The program also faces legal and regulatory hurdles, as it violates existing laws and norms regarding human rights, privacy, property, inheritance, and identity. The program also poses social and psychological problems, as it creates a gap between the original and the clone, the old and the new, the natural and the artificial.

Relationships and Society

A third theme of the novel is relationships and society. The novel portrays the impact of physical changes on personal and social interactions, especially in terms of love, friendship, family, and community. The novel shows how our appearance influences our attraction, intimacy, trust, communication, and compatibility with others, as well as our status, role, expectation, and acceptance in society.

For example, Hannah's relationship with her boyfriend deteriorates, as he does not feel the same connection or attraction to her new body. He also resents her for choosing to participate in the program without consulting him. David's relationship with his wife improves, as she is relieved that he is cured of his illness. However, she also suspects that he is hiding something from her. Connie's relationship with her husband worsens, as he is jealous of her newfound beauty and fame. He also cheats on her with another woman. Linda's relationship with her family improves, as she is able to spend more time and affection with them. However, she also feels that they have moved on without her.

The Reception of And Again

Critical Reviews

The novel received mixed reviews from critics and readers. Some praised it for its original premise, compelling characters, insightful themes, and elegant writing. Others criticized it for its slow pace, shallow plot, inconsistent tone, and lack of depth.

Here are some examples of positive and negative reviews:

  • "Chiarella's engaging writing creates so many haunting moments that readers will find themselves moving quickly through the story...This is a novel about what it means to be human." - Publishers Weekly

  • "A thought-provoking exploration of identity...Chiarella writes with grace about what it means to be human." - Kirkus Reviews

  • "A fascinating premise...Chiarella skillfully blends science fiction with realistic characters." - Booklist

  • "A disappointing debut...Chiarella fails to deliver on the promise of her premise...The characters are flat and uninteresting." - The Washington Post

  • "A tedious read...Chiarella wastes too much time on mundane details...The plot is thin and predictable." - The New York Times

  • "A frustrating novel...Chiarella does not explore the ethical or emotional implications of her scenario...The tone is inconsistent and confusing." - The Guardian

Awards and Recognition

The novel received some accolades and nominations for its literary merit. Here are some examples:

  • Finalist for the 2017 PEN/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction

  • Nominated for the 2017 Philip K. Dick Award for Best Science Fiction Novel

```html The Author of And Again


Jessica Chiarella is an American author who grew up in the Chicago area. She holds a Master's Degree in Writing and Publishing from DePaul University and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of California, Riverside. She currently lives in Chicago, Illinois.

She has always been interested in writing and reading, especially science fiction and fantasy. She was inspired to write And Again after reading an article about a woman who underwent a face transplant. She wanted to explore the idea of what it means to have a new body and a new identity.

Other Works

Besides And Again, Jessica Chiarella has also written another novel called The Lost Girls, which was published in 2021. It is a thriller that follows a woman who hosts a true-crime podcast about her sister's disappearance and another woman who tries to prove her brother's innocence for a murder that may be connected to the case.

She is also working on her third novel, which is tentatively titled The Last Days of Summer. It is a historical fiction that tells the story of four women who work at a nuclear weapons facility during World War II.


And Again is a novel that offers a fascinating and thought-provoking exploration of identity, ethics, relationships, and society in the context of a futuristic medical experiment. It features four characters who are given new bodies that are genetically perfect versions of their old selves, but who face various challenges and dilemmas as they try to adjust to their new realities.

The novel is well-written, engaging, and insightful, although it may also have some flaws and limitations. It is suitable for readers who enjoy science fiction, literary fiction, and character-driven stories. It is also a novel that invites reflection and discussion on the questions it raises.

If you are interested in reading And Again, you can order it online or find it at your local bookstore or library.


  • What is the genre of And Again?

And Again is a science fiction novel with elements of literary fiction.

  • Who are the main characters of And Again?

The main characters are Hannah, David, Connie, and Linda, who are four terminally ill patients who participate in the SUBlife program.

  • What is the SUBlife program?

The SUBlife program is a medical experiment that transfers the consciousness of dying patients into new bodies that are exact copies of their old ones, but without any flaws or diseases.

  • What are some of the themes of And Again?

Some of the themes are identity and selfhood, ethics and technology, relationships and society.

  • Who is the author of And Again?

The author is Jessica Chiarella, who is an American writer based in Chicago.



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