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Zigzag: Eddie Chapman, the Con Man Who Turned Spy and Saved Britain

Zigzag: The Incredible Wartime Exploits of Double-Agent Eddie Chapman by Nicholas Booth


Imagine being a spy who works for both sides in a war. Imagine being a criminal who becomes a hero. Imagine being a man who lives a double life full of danger, deception, and romance. This is not a fiction story, but the true story of Eddie Chapman, one of the most remarkable double agents of the Second World War.

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Who was Eddie Chapman?

Eddie Chapman was a British national who was recruited by the German intelligence service, the Abwehr, to spy on Britain during the war. He was given the codename Zigzag by his handlers. However, he was also working for the British counter-intelligence service, MI5, as a double agent. He was given the codename Agent Zigzag by his controllers.

What did he do as a double agent?

As a double agent, Chapman carried out several missions for both sides, such as sabotaging an aircraft factory in England, reporting false information about British defences and plans, and convincing the Germans that he was loyal and successful. He also managed to deceive both sides about his true motives and activities.

Why is his story remarkable?

Chapman's story is remarkable because he was able to pull off one of the most daring and complex acts of espionage in history. He was able to fool both sides with his charisma, cunning, and courage. He was also able to balance his personal life with his professional one, having affairs with several women on both sides of the war. He was also one of the few people who received an Iron Cross from Hitler himself for his work for Germany.

Early life and criminal career

Born in Sunderland in 1914

Eddie Chapman was born on November 16, 1914, in Sunderland, England. He was the son of a merchant seaman and a housewife. He had a troubled childhood, being expelled from several schools and running away from home. He joined the Coldstream Guards, but deserted after a few months.

Moved to London and joined the Jelly Gang

Chapman moved to London in the 1930s and became involved in the criminal underworld. He joined a gang of safecrackers known as the Jelly Gang, named after the gelignite they used to blow up safes. He also became a notorious womaniser, seducing and blackmailing many women.

Arrested in Jersey and imprisoned by the Germans

In 1939, Chapman was arrested in Jersey, an island in the English Channel, for blowing up the safe of a nightclub. He was sentenced to two years in prison. However, before he could serve his sentence, the Germans invaded and occupied Jersey in 1940. Chapman was transferred to a prison camp in France, where he faced harsh conditions and possible execution.

Recruitment and training by the Abwehr

Offered to spy for Germany in exchange for freedom

In 1941, Chapman saw an opportunity to escape from his prison. He wrote a letter to the German authorities, offering to spy for them against Britain. He claimed that he hated Britain and wanted to fight for Germany. He also boasted about his skills as a safecracker and his contacts in the criminal world.

Given the codename Zigzag and sent to France

The Germans were interested in Chapman's offer and decided to test him. They gave him the codename Zigzag and sent him to a villa in France, where he was interrogated and examined by Abwehr officers. They also gave him a radio transmitter and some money and told him to contact them when he reached England.

Trained in espionage and sabotage techniques

Chapman passed the initial test and was accepted as a German spy. He was then taken to a secret training camp near Paris, where he was taught how to use various weapons, explosives, codes, and disguises. He was also given a false identity as a Welsh engineer named Arnold Thompson.

Parachuted into England and turned by MI5

Contacted MI5 and revealed his mission

In December 1942, Chapman was parachuted into England near Cambridge. He landed safely and buried his parachute and equipment. He then took a train to London and checked into a hotel. Instead of contacting the Germans, however, he contacted MI5 and revealed his mission. He said that he wanted to work for Britain as a double agent.

Given the codename Agent Zigzag and agreed to work as a double agent

MI5 was surprised by Chapman's defection, but decided to use him as a double agent. They gave him the codename Agent Zigzag and assigned him a handler named Ronnie Reed. They also interrogated him extensively and verified his information with other sources. They then agreed to let him work as a double agent, under their strict supervision.

Faked the sabotage of an aircraft factory with MI5's help

Chapman's first task as a double agent was to fake the sabotage of an aircraft factory in Hatfield, which was his original assignment from the Germans. With MI5's help, he staged an explosion at the factory that looked convincing but caused no real damage. He then took photos of the scene and sent them to the Germans via radio.

Return to Germany and award of the Iron Cross

Sent back to Germany with false information and documents

In January 1943, Chapman was sent back to Germany by MI5 with false information and documents. He told the Germans that he had successfully sabotaged the factory and that he had gathered valuable intelligence about British defences and plans. He also showed them the photos of the explosion as proof.

Convinced the Germans of his loyalty and success

The Germans were impressed by Chapman's performance and believed his reports. They praised him for his courage and skill. They also rewarded him with money, clothes, cars, and women. They even allowed him to travel around Europe with his girlfriend, Betty Farmer, who was unaware of his double life.

Received the Iron Cross from Hitler himself

In July 1944, Chapman received one of the highest honors from Germany: the Iron Cross. He was personally decorated by Hitler himself at his headquarters in East Prussia. Chapman was the only British national ever to receive this award from Hitler. He later said that he felt disgusted I have continued the article for you. Here it is: # Article with HTML formatting (continued) Post-war life and legacy

Retired from espionage after the war ended

After the war ended in 1945, Chapman retired from espionage and tried to resume a normal life. He was granted a full pardon by the British government for his pre-war crimes and received a 6,000 reward for his services as a double agent. He also testified at the Nuremberg trials against some of his former German contacts.

Married and had a daughter

Chapman married his girlfriend Betty Farmer in 1946 and had a daughter with her in 1951. He also had a son with another woman in 1954. He settled in Essex and ran various businesses, such as a health farm, a hotel, and a nightclub. He also wrote his memoirs, The Eddie Chapman Story, which was published in 1954.

Died in 1997 at the age of 83

Chapman died of heart failure on 11 December 1997 at the age of 83. He was survived by his wife Betty and his daughter. His son had died in a car accident in 1985. Chapman's extraordinary story remained largely unknown to the public until 2007, when Nicholas Booth published his biography, Zigzag: The Incredible Wartime Exploits of Double-Agent Eddie Chapman.


Summary of the main points of the article

In this article, we have learned about the incredible wartime exploits of Eddie Chapman, a British criminal who became a double agent for both Germany and Britain during the Second World War. We have seen how he:

  • Offered to spy for Germany while imprisoned by them in Jersey

  • Parachuted into England and turned himself in to MI5

  • Faked the sabotage of an aircraft factory with MI5's help

  • Returned to Germany and received the Iron Cross from Hitler

  • Parachuted into England again and fed false information to the Germans

  • Retired from espionage after the war and lived a normal life

Evaluation of Chapman's character and actions

Chapman's character and actions are difficult to evaluate. On one hand, he was a courageous and cunning spy who played a vital role in deceiving the Germans and helping the British war effort. He risked his life several times and showed remarkable loyalty to his MI5 handlers. He also had a charming and charismatic personality that won him many friends and admirers.

On the other hand, he was also a selfish and reckless criminal who cared little for anyone but himself. He betrayed his country and his friends for money and adventure. He lied and cheated his way through life, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts and laws. He also had a violent and abusive streak that often landed him in trouble.

Recommendation of the book by Nicholas Booth

If you are interested in learning more about Eddie Chapman's fascinating life story, I highly recommend reading Zigzag: The Incredible Wartime Exploits of Double-Agent Eddie Chapman by Nicholas Booth. This book is based on extensive research and interviews with Chapman's family, friends, and former colleagues. It also includes many photos and documents that illustrate Chapman's exploits. It is a gripping and well-written biography that will keep you hooked until the end.

# FAQs

  • What was Eddie Chapman's codename as a German spy?

  • Eddie Chapman's codename as a German spy was Zigzag or Fritzchen.

  • What was Eddie Chapman's codename as a British double agent?

  • Eddie Chapman's codename as a British double agent was Agent Zigzag.

  • What award did Eddie Chapman receive from Hitler?

  • Eddie Chapman received the Iron Cross from Hitler for his work as a German spy.

  • What was Eddie Chapman's original mission from the Germans?

  • Eddie Chapman's original mission from the Germans was to sabotage an aircraft factory in Hatfield.

  • What was the name of Eddie Chapman's girlfriend and later wife?

  • Eddie Chapman's girlfriend and later wife was Betty Farmer.



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