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Luca Nguyen
Luca Nguyen

Warriors: Power Of Three 1: The Sight

Warriors: Power of Three is the third arc in the Warriors juvenile fantasy novel series about anthropomorphic feral cats. The arc comprises six novels which were published from 2007 to 2009: The Sight, Dark River, Outcast, Eclipse, Long Shadows, and Sunrise. The novels are published by HarperCollins under the pseudonym Erin Hunter, which refers to authors Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry, Tui Sutherland and plot developer/editor Victoria Holmes. Power of Three details the experiences of protagonist of the first series Firestar's three grandchildren, initially known as Jaykit, Hollykit, and Lionkit, whom a prophecy foretells will have "the power of the stars in their paws". The arc's major themes deal with forbidden love, the concept of nature versus nurture, and characters being a mix of good and bad. Though the novels have appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List and have been nominated for several awards, none of the novels in Warriors: Power of Three have won a significant literary award.

Warriors: Power of Three 1: The Sight

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The Sight opens with a prologue set near the conclusion of Firestar's Quest: Firestar is told a prophecy that "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws". The remainder of the novel then takes place several months following the events of Sunset, and centres around Firestar's grandchildren. Hollypaw is training to become ThunderClan's medicine cat, while her brothers Lionpaw and Jaypaw are training to become warriors. Jaypaw is born congenitally blind and is trained by Brightheart, a ThunderClan warrior who herself has only has one eye following an injury; however, Jaypaw is frustrated that others see his blindness as a weakness.

At the end of the novel, Jaypaw enter's Firestar's dream and hears the prophecy from the prologue, "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws"; Jaypaw realizes that the prophecy refers to himself and his siblings, as they are Firestar's grandchildren, and thus kin of his kin.

Two cats from a group in the mountains called the Tribe of Rushing Water arrive in ThunderClan's camp to ask for ThunderClan's help in dealing with a group of rogue cats who are relentlessly harassing the Tribe and stealing their prey. Upon hearing this news, Stormfur and Brook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook) reveal why they had returned to ThunderClan from the Tribe in Twilight. The two were banished after Stormfur led the Tribe into battle against the rogues: many Tribe cats died due to a lack of battle experience, and Stormfur was blamed for the casualties. Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw of ThunderClan, Tawnypelt of ShadowClan, Crowfeather and Breezepaw of WindClan, as well as Stormfur and Brook, journey to the mountains to help the Tribe resolve their conflict with the rogues. The Clan cats attempt to reason with the rogues and mark borders, but the rogues ignore the borders, forcing the Tribe to take more drastic measures. The Clan cats proceed to teach the Tribe cats fighting skills. The Tribe is reluctant to fight at first, but manages to defeat the invaders, who accept defeat and promise to leave the Tribe alone. At the conclusion of Outcast, Jaypaw decides to tell his brother and sister about the prophecy "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the powers of the stars in their paws", which he had kept secret since discovering it in The Sight.

Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw--grandchildren of the great leader Firestar--possess unusual power and talent. But secrets and uncertainty surround them, and a mysterious prophecy hints at trouble to come. The warrior code is in danger, and these three apprentices will need all of their strength to help the Clans survive.

Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw spring from a strong legacy: children of Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, two of the noblest ThunderClan warriors, and grandchildren of the great leader Firestar himself. All three young cats possess unusual power and talent and seem certain to provide strength to the Clan for the next generation.

16 Jack R. Williams, "Master Plan forthe Preservation and Use of Big Hole Battlefield National Monument,Mission 66 Edition," March 1962, Folder: "Master Plan," D18, BHNBA, p.5. The monument development schedule included Roads and Trails (majorand minor roads; construction, reconstruction, and expansion ofinterpretive trails and reconstruction of signs; construction of 2footbridges); Buildings and Utilities (water, power, and sewer systems;visitor center and maintenance building; 3 three-room residences and afour-unit apartment; comfort station); and Miscellaneous improvements(entrance development and signs; boundary fence; site landscapeimprovements.) 041b061a72


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