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Luca Nguyen

[S2E14] Leave No One Behind

With Carlotta gone, Matt is again the sole care-giver for Grandma. Not only that, but his old jalopy breaks down on his way to school. He's not a happy camper. At school, he mouths off in his art class, calling his teacher a bitch. He even cuts his Spanish class and football practice. The next day, Matt skips school to go window shopping for a dirt bike. Riggins invites him out to have beer - in the middle of the day. Matt gladly accepts because he wants to mold himself in Riggings' image. We soon find out that they are at the bar because Tim is stalking Lyla (Minka Kelly) and her new man who have lunch there every week. After making a fool out of himself, Tim drags Matt's drunk ass to practice, which leads to wacky drunk football antics. Coach (Kyle Chandler) turns a blind eye to his intoxication and instead pulls out the scary, low voice telling Saracen to get it together, fast. Tyra has become a regular at the Taylor household, having dinner and bonding with Tami (Connie Britton) over volleyball. Tyra asks for Tami's help in sussing out her feelings toward Landry, now that Jean is in the picture. Eric notices that Julie (Aimee Teegarden) is even more sullen than usual and suspects that she might be jealous of Tami's new relationship with Tyra and the team.Tami scores another volleyball victory, courtesy of Tyra's spiking prowess and invites the team to celebrate over at the Taylor manse. Julie comes home pissed off. Tami thinks it's because she's jealous, but it's really because Tami was supposed to take her to the DMV for her drivers' test. She partially redeems herself by convincing the DMV employee to let Julie take the test after he was about to head home.Brainy Jean suggests watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 on YouTube with Landry all weekend. Landry talks to Saracen about his new special lady friend, but Saracen is so depressed that he can't listen.Tim takes Matt to the Landing Strip for some lemon drops and lap dances to cheer him up a bit. But in the middle of his first-ever lap dance, Matt gets a call from the hospital. His grandmother hit her head. His stripper gives him a ride to the hospital, and Eric shows up later to bring them home. Grandma shows that she's pretty perceptive, despite her senility, because she tells Coach that her grandson needs his help. Eric wrestles Matt into the shower in an intense scene, but Matt is pissed at the father-figure talk. Matt cries out that everyone leaves him: Eric for a better job, Julie for a better guy, Carlotta for Guatemala. After asking her mother and Tami for boy advice, Tyra finally makes up her mind regarding Landry. She interrupts his date with Jean to tell him that she likes him and wants to give them a shot. But Landry turns her down because he's on a date with someone who isn't ashamed to be with him. But later, after some soul-searching, he realizes he loves her. Landry kisses Tyra right before the game. Smash has more bad news besides his three-game suspension. TMU is revoking their scholarship because they think he has "questionable character." The episode ends in the locker room with Smash wishing the team luck. Matt stands up for Smash and asks Coach to let him play. However, Smash knows that he can't play. Instead, he rouses the troops with an awesome speech. All the players rush the field as Smash stays alone in the locker room, crumpling up onto the bench in tears.

[S2E14] Leave No One Behind

Gilford delivered one of his best performances on the series in Season 2, Episode 14, "Leave No One Behind," when Matt painfully admitted to Coach Taylor that he thinks there's something wrong with him because everyone leaves him. Another heavy episode for Gilford was Season 4, Episode 5, "The Son," in which Matt's father died. Gilford showcased an impressive range of talent in Matt's complex emotions about his father and their complicated relationship. While the plots of Friday Night Lights and Criminal Minds: Evolution differ, the show is a fine example of what the actor is capable of -- and how much he'll be playing against type.

Olivia thinks Fitz knows about Defiance. Cyrus believes this is why the president is shutting him out. He lets Mellie know the situation as he preps for his new daughter's christening. It should prove to be an awkward event, as Fitz and Olivia are the godparents. As for the pressing matters of state, Fitz wants to order a SEAL team in to rescue the hostages. Cyrus convinces him to wait a bit. Later, Mellie tells Fitz that Cyrus was the mastermind behind Defiance. He's the one who pushed everyone into stealing the White House. Mellie tells her hubby that he's right to not trust Cyrus. However, he can always trust her.

Motel:Sam checked into the motel two days ago under the name Richard Sambora. The room has been quiet and no one has noticed anything unusual. The last thing Sam remembers is the two of them at the motel in west Texas over a week ago, going out to grab burgers. The next thing he knew he was here. Sam doesn't know how he got here and he feels like he has been asleep for months.The boys decide to retrace every step Sam made. Dean tells Sam that the manager saw him leave the room yesterday afternoon but didn't return. Looking over at the window, Dean notices more dried blood on the window lock of someone who stayed over.

Gas station (couple towns over):Sam and Dean walk inside and the cashier immediately recognizes Sam and demands for him to leave or he will call the cops. He said that Sam came in yesterday "drunk as a skunk", grabbed a forty from the fridge, started chugging, and also snagged two packs of cigarettes and was smoking like a chimney. Dean pays the guy for the booze and smokes and asks the man where Sam headed next. The guy tells Dean he went north up route 71.

Duluth, Minnesota (local bar):Sam enters the bar and we see Jo, who is very surprised to see Sam. He was about the last person she expected to see. When inquiring what he's doing there, Sam replies that he wants to square things off, telling her that her dad's death was not his or Dean's fault. She is keen to talk about Dean, but Sam informs her that while Dean does like her, it's not at all in a romantic way. Holding her hand, Sam says he can be more to her. Jo is getting freaked out, Sam is behaving nothing like the man she knows and she asks him to leave. Sam starts walking out the door, but turns around and physically overcomes her. He slams her head against the bar and knocks her unconscious.

Jo is walking down the dock looking for Dean. She calls his cell but gets no answer. She tries calling him one more time and hears his phone ringing in the water. She finds Dean lying on the edge of the dock still alive and helps him back to the bar to patch up his wound. Jo asks him how he knew Sam was possessed. Dean says that all he knew was that it wasn't Sam. She then asks him if demons ever tell the truth. Dean responds, "Sometimes, especially if they know it will mess with your head". After she finishes patching up Dean, he tells her that the demon's going after hunters and the closest one he knows is in South Dakota. Without question, Jo says she is going with him. Dean tells her that he can't put it any plainer except to say, "you try and follow me, I'll tie you right back to that post and leave you here. This is my fight. I'm not getting your blood on my hands; that's just how it's gonna be". As he walks out the door, she hands him some pills to help with his pain. Dean says thanks, and he will call her later. After the door shuts behind him she mutters, "No, you won't".

The demon then launches Bobby and Dean into opposite ends of the room. The demon approaches a dazed Dean and begins punching him repeatedly while describing that, even for demons, hell is a prison made of bones, flesh, blood, and fear, and that Dean is the one that sent it back there. Dean then realizes that the demon inside Sam is Meg. The demon says its only thought while climbing back out of hell was the prospect of torturing Dean "nice and slow," even more than he tortures himself. It continues to verbally abuse him, declaring him the useless member of the family, while crushing his injured shoulder with one hand. As the demon winds up to throw another brutal punch at Dean, Bobby comes up behind it with a red-hot metal rod and burns a gap in the binding link on Sam's arm. The demon then immediately leaves Sam's body and the black demon smoke goes on its way back to hell through the flames of the fireplace.

Baseball questions what they should do about the egg, but Test Tube remarks that they can't do anything, but she's prepared. She places the egg down next to the Dr. Fizz Machine and proceeds to enter in a long passcode, confusing Baseball. Meanwhile, Fan sneaks up and slowly grabs the egg. Test Tube notices him when suddenly the egg emits a loud noise. The sound travels and causes MePhone4 to glitch once again, creating a plethora of random items and recovering Lightbulb in the process. The noise travels far into outer space but stops immediately when Fan grabs the egg. As Fan holds the egg close and calms down, a sudden beam of light is cast upon him. He slowly lifts into the sky clutching the egg, heading towards an Egg Spaceship. Fan's body glitches and he drops his phone, which cracks upon impact with the ground. Test Tube calls out to Fan as he slowly enters the spaceship, the doors closing behind him.

In Gemory Cave, MePad looks off at the spaceship in the sky and notes that isolating themselves would not prevent the arrival of Cobs. MePhone4 agrees that his arrival was inevitable and suggests to MePad that they remove their memories of the reality show, Cobs, and put it all behind them. MePad, horrified by the suggestion, asserts that it's exactly what Cobs wants and declares that the contestants and Toilet have always had his back and that trusting each other would be their best chance at survival. MePhone4 interrupts, revealing that he knew that MePad had allowed Marshmallow to leave, and tells him not to lecture him about trust. MePad doesn't argue further and teleports away, leaving MePhone4 alone in Gemory Cave. 041b061a72


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