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John Purkiss' The Power of Letting Go: How to Drop Everything that's Holding You Back (Free PDF Download)

The Power of Letting Go by John Purkiss: A Book Review

Have you ever felt stuck in a situation or a mindset that was holding you back from living your full potential? Have you ever wondered how to free yourself from the attachments and expectations that are causing you stress and suffering? If so, then you might want to read The Power of Letting Go by John Purkiss.

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The Power of Letting Go is a self-help book that teaches you how to drop everything that's holding you back and live intuitively. The author, John Purkiss, is an executive recruiter, an investor, and a speaker who has studied various spiritual traditions such as Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Kabbalah, and Sufism. He has also experienced firsthand the benefits of letting go in his own life.

In this book, Purkiss explains why we should let go and how we can do it, using proven techniques to make things happen. He outlines four stages of letting go: be present and enjoy each moment, let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck, let go of the pain that runs your life, and surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain.

The main thesis of this book is that letting go is not only possible but also necessary for achieving happiness and success in life. By letting go, we can align ourselves with our true nature and purpose, tap into our intuition and creativity, overcome our fears and limitations, and attract more opportunities and abundance.


The introduction of this book sets the tone and context for what follows. Purkiss starts by sharing his personal story of how he discovered the power of letting go after going through a series of challenges in his career and relationships. He then explains what he means by letting go:

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"Let Letting go is not giving up, nor is it passive or weak. It is a powerful and active process of releasing what no longer serves you and opening up to what does. It is a way of living in the present moment, without being attached to the past or the future. It is a way of trusting your intuition and following your heart, without being controlled by your thoughts or emotions. It is a way of accepting what is, without resisting or judging it. It is a way of surrendering to a higher intelligence, without losing your identity or autonomy."

Purkiss then introduces the four stages of letting go, which he describes as a journey from the head to the heart. He explains that each stage has its own challenges and rewards, and that they are not linear or sequential, but rather cyclical and interrelated. He also provides some practical tips and exercises to help the reader practice letting go in each stage.


The summary of this book provides a detailed overview of the four stages of letting go, as well as some examples and anecdotes from the author's own experience and from other sources. Here are the main points of each stage:

Stage 1: Be Present and Enjoy Each Moment

The first stage of letting go is to be present and enjoy each moment, without worrying about the past or the future. Purkiss explains that being present means being aware of what is happening in your body, mind, and environment, without being distracted by your thoughts or emotions. He says that being present allows you to experience life more fully and deeply, and to appreciate the beauty and joy in every situation.

Purkiss also explains that being present helps you to let go of your ego, which is the part of you that identifies with your thoughts, opinions, beliefs, roles, and achievements. He says that your ego is often the source of your suffering, as it creates separation, conflict, fear, and insecurity. He suggests that you can let go of your ego by observing it with curiosity and compassion, without judging it or identifying with it.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for being present are meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises, yoga, tai chi, qigong, walking in nature, listening to music, playing with children or animals, and doing something creative.

Stage 2: Let Go of the Thoughts That Keep You Stuck

The second stage of letting go is to let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck in negative patterns and habits. Purkiss explains that your thoughts are not facts, but rather interpretations and assumptions that you make based on your past experiences and conditioning. He says that many of your thoughts are limiting, irrational, or untrue, and that they prevent you from seeing reality as it is.

Purkiss also explains that your thoughts create your emotions, which in turn influence your actions and results. He says that by letting go of your thoughts, you can also let go of your emotions, such as anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, envy, or jealousy. He suggests that you can let go of your thoughts by questioning them with logic and evidence, by replacing them with positive affirmations or mantras, by writing them down and burning them or tearing them up, or by simply ignoring them and focusing on something else.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for letting go of your thoughts are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis, visualization, journaling, and gratitude practices.

Stage 3: Let Go of the Pain That Runs Your Life

The third stage of letting go is to let go of the pain that runs your life, such as trauma, grief, loss, betrayal, rejection, or abuse. Purkiss explains that your pain is often stored in your body and subconscious mind, and that it affects your behavior and choices in ways that you may not be aware of. He says that your pain can also manifest as physical symptoms, such as headaches, backaches, insomnia, or illness.

Purkiss also explains that your pain is not your enemy, but rather your teacher and healer. He says that your pain is there to show you what needs to be healed and released, and that by facing it and feeling it, you can transform it and transcend it. He suggests that you can let go of your pain by acknowledging it, expressing it, forgiving yourself and others, healing your inner child, and finding meaning and purpose in your experience.

Some of the techniques that Purkiss recommends for letting go of your pain are emotional freedom technique (EFT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), somatic experiencing (SE), bioenergetic therapy, reiki, acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, and art therapy.

Stage 4: Surrender and Tune into Something Far More Intelligent Than Your Brain

The fourth stage of letting go is to surrender and tune into something far more intelligent than your brain, such as


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