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ציבורי·10 חברים

Sailor Moon Episode 27

In the 1993 favorite episode listings for Animage, "Loved and Chased! Luna's Worst Day Ever" came in first place, with "Naru's Cry! Nephrite Dies for Love" coming in third place, "The Sparkling Silver Crystal! The Moon Princess Appears" coming in sixth place, "Memories Return! Usagi and Mamoru's Past" coming in ninth place and "Love for Ami?! A Boy Who Can Predict the Future" coming in eleventh place.[4] The following year, the two-part series finale "The Sailor Warriors Die! The Tragic Final Battle" and "Usagi's Everlasting Wish! A New Reincarnation" took first and second place respectively.[5] Eight DVD compilations were released in Japan between May 21 and July 21, 2002,[6][7] and the series was later released in a remastered edition in two box-sets from December 11, 2009 to January 21, 2010.[8][9]

Sailor Moon Episode 27

In the English language adaptation of the series by former licensee DIC Entertainment, the season was cut down to 40 episodes and also added an ending segment, "Sailor Says," to teach a moral based on the story that had just been shown.[10][11][12] The episodes were first broadcast on YTV in Canada from August 28 to October 24, 1995, and later had its first-run syndication in the United States from September 11 to November 3, 1995. The first season was later released by ADV Films in a subtitle-only DVD box set in 2003. Eventually, on May 16, 2014, the season was re-licensed for an updated English-language release by Viz Media and they released the season in two uncut DVD and Blu-ray compilations on November 11, 2014 and February 10, 2015 for parts one and two respectively. Hulu began streaming the series in the United States on May 19, 2014, with Tubi TV following suit in Canada on July 15, 2016.

The score was composed by Takanori Arisawa. Three pieces of theme music are used for the episodes; one opening theme and two closing themes. The opening theme for the whole season is "Moonlight Densetsu" performed by the idol group DALI.[13] "Heart Moving", performed by Misae Takamatsu of Sakura Sakura, is used as the ending theme for the first 26 episodes,[13] and "Princess Moon", performed by Ushio Hashimoto, is used for the remainder of the season.[14] DIC Entertainment made an English-language version of the Japanese opening theme for its adaptation.[15]

The two latest episodes of the original Sailor Moon anime have been added to Hulu and Neon Alley this morning. Every Monday two new episodes, in Japanese and subbed in English by Viz, are added to Hulu. This week we have episodes 27 and 28 as the race to get all of the Rainbow Crystals heats up!

  • Usagi learns that the new transfer student, Ryo Urawa, has a crush on Ami and sets out to help him express himself. But what she doesn't know is that Ryo can see into the future and is dreading an upcoming vision where he ends up killing the girl he loves. Tropes in this episode include: Always Someone Better: Ryo Urawa ends up with the perfect score that bests the resident genius Ami.

  • Birds of a Feather: Usagi and Makoto share a good chuckle over their bad test scores.

  • But Now I Must Go: Ryo ends up leaving Juban Middle due to his dad getting transferred at work.

  • Clothing Damage: Ryo's vision features Sailor Mercury being stripped naked as she's attacked by his monster form.

  • Cyborg: Bunboo contains multiple cybernetic components.

  • Dub Name Change: Ryo is named "Greg" in the DiC Episode.

  • Evolving Credits: The new opening includes Makoto and Minako with the Sailor Guardians and features imagery for the Moon Kingdom.

  • Graceful Loser: Ami isn't upset about being in second place for her test exam and just sees it as a sign to study harder.

  • Heroic Willpower: Thanks to Mercury's message of how one can create their own future, Ryo gains control of his youma form and takes out Zoisite instead of the Guardian.

  • Knew It All Along: Thanks to his future vision, Ryo already knew about Zoisite along with his true identity as a Great Youma.

  • Lizard Folk: Ryo is transformed into the youma Bunboo, who resembles a lizard man with a cyborg aesthetic.

  • Make My Monster Grow: Zoicite uses the Dark Crystal to amplify the negative energy in Bunboo to make him more obedient and to kill the Guardians.

  • Mercy Kill: The future seer begs Sailor Mercury to kill him once he turns into a monster. Thankfully the Sailor Guardian has none of that nonsense.

  • Near-Death Experience: Ami would have been squashed by a metal beam if Ryo didn't show up to stop her.

  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Moon Tiara Action can place itself on a youma's head to significantly lower their negative energy.

  • New Transfer Student: Ryo recently transferred to Juban Middle School.

  • Poor Communication Kills: Ryo warns Usagi about going anywhere that involves water. If he were a little more specific, he could have warned her about the faculty worker dumping a bucket of water on her by accident.

  • Precious Photo: Ami gives Ryo a very cute photo of herself before he leaves, better than the hamburger photo Ryo got earlier.

  • The Promise: Before leaving Juban, Ryo promises Ami that he'll continue to get smarter and prove himself worthy of Ami's attention.

  • Screw Destiny: Sailor Mercury is strongly against Ryo's pessimistic attitude about the unavoidable future. She proclaims that they all have the willpower to make their path and create a better future without fear.

  • Secret Secret-Keeper: Thanks to his future visions, Ryo knows that Ami is Sailor Mercury. But because she denies his claim, he decides to accept her refusal and becomes this.

  • Seers: Ever since he was a toddler, Ryo was blessed with the power to see into the future.

  • Swiss-Army Weapon: Bunboo's arms have swiss army knives that carry a variety of sharp tools.

  • Unflattering ID Photo: While not an ID, Usagi gives Ryo a photo of Ami about to eat a hamburger as a memento.

  • Villain Opening Scene: Queen Beryl starts the episode by yelling at her clowns for letting Tuxedo Mask steal one of the Rainbow Crystals.

  • Would Rather Suffer: Ryo openly declares that he'd rather be killed before turning into a monster who attacks others.

  • Chibi-usa makes the decision to steal the Silver Crystal which ultimately results in catastrophic consequences. But before she can do that, Rubeus steps up his game after receiving a visit from an old coworker about his upcoming demotion. Tropes in this episode include: All for Nothing: Even after obtaining the Silver Crystal, the lost child still can't open the portal to go home.

  • All Your Powers Combined: Even though they're short one Guardian, the remaining four combine their Sailor Power to give Chibi-usa enough time to escape from the Tractor Beam.

  • Big Damn Heroes: The Guardians show up in the nick of time to stop Rubeus from killing the defenseless little girl.

  • Broken Pedestal: Chibi-usa's faith in Sailor Moon shatters as she comes to realize that the stupid, selfish and undeserving Usagi is the girl who wears the pretty sailor uniform.

  • Call-Back: Makoto and Minako visit the graveyard site from Episode 43 while trying to find Chibi-usa.

  • Cliffhanger: With her best friends abducted by Rubeus, Usagi scolds Chibi-usa for allowing this tragedy to happen while the monster's Evil Laugh echoes across Juuban.

  • Disproportionate Retribution: Chibi-usa decides to go through with stealing the Silver Crystal after Usagi passes eating the pancakes her mom made for her.

  • Flashback Nightmare: After passing out from exhaustion, Chibi-usa dreams of when she was being escorted by the Future Guardians to evade an enemy attack.

  • Heroic Sacrifice: At Sailor Mars' insistence, the Sailor Guardians sacrifice themselves to Rubeus' UFO so Chibi-usa can escape from him.

  • Hope Spot: In her second attempt, Chibi-usa opens the portal to the future and is about to enter. But her hopes are dashed by the overbearing presence of Rubeus' UFO.

  • Internal Reveal: Chibi-usa informs the Guardians that she knows their civilian identities.

  • Last Request: Before being abducted, Mars internally begs Usagi to take care of Chibi-usa.

  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Usagi accidentally leaves behind her brooch while rushing off to her Sailor meeting. This would result in the Silver Crystal being stolen and kickstarting the upcoming crisis.

  • Chibi-usa succeeds in stealing the crystal. But her outburst for being unable to go home sends another flash of light that tells Rubeus of her location.

  • No-Sell: The Crimson Coward protects himself with his ship's invisible shield that neutralize the attacks from the Sailor Guardians.

  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Esmeraude is the model example of this trope. In fact, her laughter is the first thing to be heard before she makes her physical appearance.

  • Oh, Crap!: Usagi and Luna react this way when they discover that the former's brooch was stolen.

  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: The Lady in Green gives a vicious explanation for Rubeus' dismissal by describing each of his failures along with his incompetence to complete any of his assignments.

  • Chibi-usa gives this speech about Usagi to the Guardians to explain why she thinks she isn't worthy of having the Silver Crystal.

  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Chibi-usa decides to jump out of Mamoru's apartment the second she hears Usagi knock on his door.

  • Shut Up, Kirk!: The petite estranger refuses to listen to the Guardians as they vouch for Usagi's good character, believing that they're lying to her.

  • Tractor Beam: The UFO utilizes a massive beam of light that abducts the Sailor Guardians.

  • Ventriloquism: Mamoru has taken up ventriloquy as he uses a Tuxedo Mask doll to talk to Chibi-usa.

  • We Have Reserves: Subverted with the Specter Sisters. Esmeraude cites losing them as one of Rubeus's failures, meaning that they were more valuable to the Black Moon Clan then what the wicked man considered them to be.

  • Would Hurt a Child: Usagi comes close to slapping Chibi-usa for all the trouble she's caused, only to be stopped by Tuxedo Mask.

  • Your Favorite: Ikuko makes a heaping batch of hotcakes for Chibi-usa.


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