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Writer's pictureGil Peleg

Knife threat Analysis attached from behind: In Top Israeli methods for Self-Defense, Second Article

Updated: Jun 16, 2022

This article is a natural continuation of its predecessor on the issue of "Knife Threat Analysis, Attached to the Throat: In Top Israeli Methods for Self-Defense", and therefore recommended to read before. In this article, as in the previous one, we will discuss ways to deal with this incident, by two top Israeli methods: Krav-Maga and KALAH. When our goal is not to say what the best method is but to share different ways to deal with such situations. In this article, we will discuss questions what is the threat of a knife attached to the throat or neck from behind? How does a knife threat incident begin? What are the stages of the psychological game while this knife threat? What are the stages of negotiation in a knife threat incident? What types of training knives and protective equipment does in self-defense training used? What types of real assault knives are there? What are the recommended books to read, on the subject of knives?

The concepts presented here are for illustrative purposes only. Before attempting any technique discussed or presented in this article, seek professional training from a reputable instructor.

What is a knife threat to the throat or neck from behind?

Threatening a knife from behind with the intention of stabbing
Threatening a knife from behind with the intention of stabbing

Threat scenarios with the knife are very dangerous situations but must be distinguished from the immediate stabbing that comes as a surprise. This article is based on his predecessor "Knife Threat Analysis, Attached to the Throat: In Top Israeli Methods for Self-Defense", and therefore recommended to read him before. Note that: During an immediate stabbing, there is no time to think about the action. While sudden stabbing, there is almost zero chance of survival. These scenarios, we have discussed extensively in our previous articles, below is a list of them:

When in this article we will analyze a knife threat scenario from beginning to end. We will try to analyze the ways of coping offered in the top Israeli self-defense methods such as Israeli Krav-Maga and KALAH. We will look at experts' opinions according to this event. We will discuss the psychological aspect of dealing with this event, and its paramount importance in preparing trainees against such scenarios. When the experts in the field recommend several rules in knife threats like do not rush to make defenses and immediate movements! That is, if the attacker would want to kill or stab the victim, he would have already done it. It is most likely a robbery, kidnapping, or rape. That is, if the attacker wants from the victim something like a phone or a wallet, it is better to give it! It's worth less than your life. However, in this article, we discuss the scenario with a premise in which: The attacker not only wants to rob, but the attacker may want to rape or kill; when, the victim is psychologically and physically prepared for one of the top Israeli self-defense methods, and decides not to be the victim of a robbery, rape, or killing. Although quite a few coaches of an Israeli Krav-Maga will not agree with this statement, in their opinion is to give everything to survive the attack! In their opinion, on average this type of threat "threat of attaching a knife to the throat, front, back or side" ends after a banal robbery. But the next question is always asked what about it not being a banal and average robbery? Now begins the difficulty of dealing with the situation. Analysis of such scenarios cannot be found in traditional karate practices in general and competitive sports in particular. They exist in various applied self-defense methods of dealing with street fighting. When some of them are no less dangerous than on the battlefield.

How does a threatening event start?

Usually, the attacker takes over the victim by surprise. As a result, this incident is different from a banal knife attack. Consequently, the onset of this assault event, i.e. the assailant's takeover of the victim in one of the forms mentioned before. This is a particularly critical stage, for the victim, and why? The victim may make sharp movements due to atomic pressure exerted on it; He may have studied various martial arts, and thinks that certainly, the situation is easy for him to cope with; He may not have undergone psychological preparation in one of the top Israeli methods of self-defense; He may not be aware of the immediate and real danger inherent in this situation, etc... All of these together or separately can cause the victim to make a sharp and unwanted movement at the beginning of this event, and the result is often, immediate death due to blood loss. To avoid this situation, it is customary in Israel to use self-defense methods such as Krav-Maga and KALAH to play a game in which the victim is willing to do anything to survive the attack, i.e. the victim does not make sudden motions that can cause the attacker to make an instinctive movement with the knife. That is, at this point, the only signal the victim transmitting is "Take it all, just do not hurt me".

What are the stages of the psychological game while this knife threat?

A psychological game stage begins from the moment the victim submissively begs the attacker "Take it all just do not hurt me". This stage is also known as the "Negotiation" stage. At the negotiation stage, the victim conveys messages of “you are in control of the situation”, me and everything I have at your disposal! And here arises a very important question; does the attacker swallow the bait? The victim in case of success in negotiations will immediately feel a shift in the attacker's attention to the bait of rape or robbery. Because our brain is unable to do two things at once, naturally the attacker will let go of the knife grip to take what he wants. When it is a stage where the attacker has felt his superiority and control over the situation, he usually lets go of the knife and turns his attention to the temptation of robbery, rape, or anything else he wanted to achieve through the threat. When in terms of the victim it is a window of opportunity to take advantage of! Where a stage of negotiations is over! And must move to the stage of attack against, i.e. to neutralize a threat of knife through action.

What are the stages of negotiation in a knife threat incident?

In the Israeli Krav-Maga method:

In the Israeli Krav-Maga combat system, a reference to the issue of negotiations exists, by the psychological preparations, e.g. the need to surrender to the attacker is taught in order to attack him at the appropriate time (timing). One of the basics of negotiating is raising hands up close to the knife and of course playing a frightened victim who begs to stay alive. That is, keep your hands close and at the height of the attacking hand (knife) so that at the right time, your defense will be faster because the range you have to go is shorter. Pay attention! Make yourself scared and not just raise your hands suddenly. When, in Krav Maga, emphasize not to give a neutralizing blow to the attacker before taking over the hand holding the knife (full control of the hand)! Because the blow can pull or push the hand with the knife resulting in slicing, stabbing, or cutting your throat or neck! Note: the stage of the action will be discussed in the next articles.

In the Israeli KALAH method:

In the Israeli KALAH combat system, references to existing negotiations are even more highlighted than in the Krav-Maga combat system, and what does it mean? The KALAH method was created from the Israeli Krav-Maga combat system, by Idan Abolnik, but has evolved due to the need for its actual use in hostile places around the world. That is, although the principles between the two are completely the same, the actual performances are completely different! Read about the KALAH method in our previous article on "The KALAH: Top Israeli Combat System & Ultimate Remedy For Self-Defense". In the KALAH method, a stage of negotiation is much more critical and detailed than in the Israeli Krav-Maga method, where the issue is more theoretical! In a psychological preparation, the KALAH method teaches the need to surrender, in order to resist back at the appropriate timing similar to a Krav-Maga combat system. One of the basics of negotiating is raising hands up close to the knife and of course playing a frightened victim who begs to stay alive. That is, holding the hands close and at the height of the knife so that your protection will be faster, and the range you need to overcome shorter. Pay attention! Pretend to yourself frightened and not just lifting hands abruptly. When the KALAH method emphasizes do not give a neutralization blow before taking full control of the hand that holds a knife! When the basic assumptions of the method were built on the technique of taking full control of the assaulting hand. The method also emphasizes that the blow can pull or push the hand with the knife resulting in slicing, stabbing, or cutting your throat or neck! Note: the stage of the action will be discussed in the next articles.


What types of training knives and protective equipment are used in Self-Defense training?

It is very important to practice Self-Defense using rubber training knives and even more important during training to wear appropriate protective equipment: such as glasses designed to protect the eyes; a body protector; a Head guard against receiving an unwanted blow. The following is a list of recommended equipment for knife defense studies:

What types of real assault knives exist?

Warning!: Real and dangerous combat knives have been attached below, do not use them for training purposes! Do not use them to intentionally hurt someone! They are for illustration only! That is, to recognize existing threats and be prepared for them! The following is a list of real attack knives for illustration only (there are dozens of different types of attack knives):

What are the recommended books to read, on the subject of knives?

Dear friends, if you are reading this article I guess you like the subject of knives. As a result, I will share with you a number of books on this subject that I have personally read and been very impressed with. You will ask and rightly so, why are they not only about an Israeli KALAH Combat System? My answer is simple, I believe that for survival any self-defense technique is good! As much as it is applicable and useful! In our Facebook Group, we are talking about applicable self-defense, and what is good about it is that the method has no meaning at all, but the application of realistic exercises for effective self-defense! As a result, the books are also from different fighting methods regarding knives. I hope you will enjoy them.


Summary: Knife threat Analysis attached from behind: In Top Israeli methods for Self-Defense, Second Article

This article, which is a natural continuation of its predecessor on the subject of "Knife Threat Analysis, Attached to the Throat: In Top Israeli Methods for Self-Defense", and therefore recommended to be read before. We discussed the necessity of a psychological game to survive the event by two top Israeli methods Krav-Maga and KALAH. When, our goal was, not to say what the best method is but to share different ways of dealing with such situations. In this article, we focused on the questions: What is a knife threat to the throat or neck from behind? How does a knife threat incident begin? What are the stages of the psychological game in knife threat events? What is the stage of negotiation in knife threat incidents? When, we saw what unites these methods and what it distinguishes them, like a test of truth in hostile places, where the KALAH method is facing and survives for more than two decades.


Article by Gil Peleg.

Professional Advisor on the KALAH Combat System, Idan Abolnik.

Professional consultant in the field of Israeli Krav-Maga Mark Fesler.


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1 Comment

Hello the name of the Kalah System instructors in the second video are Iván Causillas and Arianny Pineda.

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